
Saturday, May 19, 2018

One More post on charge

It is a beautiful day.
Before the sun had risen high enough to heat the pool, I swam a bracing 2200 yards and while I did I thought about all of the important things.
I do think about all the important things as much as you adn they do torture me as much, despite and underlying understanding of courage, fear, and the different paths which are available if predestined.
Tomorrow, always tomorrow.

Having pretty much gone through the fundamental positive and negative result and gotten very little far, the thing to look at is where electro magnetism EM arises; namely, ct2 loading on ct3, what even AuT started with as transitional ct2 states but which now appears to be transitional ct3 states in a pre-time environment.
If positive is loading and negative is unloading then this matches compression decompression and indicates that we are looking at universe as a whole and regional positive vs negative states.
It also indicates that however slowly, perhaps exponentially more slowly than expansion and contraction, we will eventually reach a transition state where we will see more and more anti-matter and then, albeit on a different clock, we will see a universe which, at an inflection point, turns from a matter to an antimatter universe, potentially unwinding all of the higher ct states as discussed above.
This allows that protons are stable due to ct2 net loading and electrons are stable due to ct2 net unloading (for example and logically) meaning that we can still use the same passage of exponentially high individual lines to generate charge over long values of x, but that the charge is reflected in what state exists, and even the pairing of these states which makes the most sense, but does require that we accept that we have just enough entropy and just enough charge at our current place in the universe to experience what we experience.
There is even a measurement model possible, the 1500 to 1 value of electron to neutron weight (off by a significant amount if we take into account the electron bundle which appears very important to the overall model) we could argue that we are 1:1500th of the way towards that equilibrium where an electron and proton might weight the same, two halve of the t4-16 ct4 state, t4-8(1) and t4-8(2).  This also suggests that in the past (or future depending on the direction of breakdown) we will see t4-6 and t4-10 splits.
All of this which brings us to black holes.
Pre AuT math is uncertain about the dissolution of black holes.  One of the old posts provides a hint and is certainly totally not a mystery in aut
AuT requires that black holes break down
what preaut physics sees far out as "young" galaxies may actually be old ones where the black hole has dissolved into matter.  Its worth thinking about
This same type of requirement suggests that the charge from all these lines tearing at the electron proton pair must be from the associated states around the proton and electron, the charge represent the untrapped, previously trapped states as it were or perhaps the net charge of those states.
While the model shows this should primarily be negative, it is a very simple model and easily replaceable with a model that gives a better result, moreover it is a photon model and its application to more compressed states can easily change since the photon model is building from space to a dimensional framework.
The compression of the photon onto the wave information arms by folding should yield a different type of result, perhaps the type of pairing that is observed.
It is also worth nothing that we exist at the ct4-ct5 interface which means that we are dealing with the beginnings of the 16^32 compression, not just the 10^16 compression level because all compression on the molecular level is in at least the first arms of the ct5 state.

AuT requires that black holes ultimately break down just like other forms of information and allow this to happen by increasing the amount of antigravity/dark energy/decompression results within the black hole.
This entire discussion of charge is the same discussion that applies to the black hole in point of fact, only with exponentially higher folding, more trapped states, more lines of ct1 information pulling through an even more knotted system.

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