
Saturday, June 16, 2018

17 equations 1 and the battle against pseudo science*

I am looking for a French Physicsts/Mathematician interested in doing some interpretation and perhaps a bit of politicking in favor of this not being "pseudo science" with a french physics group.
Since you people read my blog, maybe one of you would be interested.

Let me talk about pseudo science for a moment.
AuT is math.
It is not complicated and this French j' accuse has raised my concern.
And so I have found this 17 equations post and would point out that none of these are more complicated than AuT which is actually two equations, fpix and f-series compression.

What is more is that AuT answers intuitively the mysteries that predate it.  That list can be viewed as part of the youtube videos and the descriptions that go along with them as well as the books.

They also are answered in this blog.  I will admit that there is some uncertainty as to how charge is maintained, but I and no one else, have shown the following:
Wave Particle duality is an illusion
Waves are two dimensional compression
Protons/particles are one dimensional compression
I and no one else figured out that gravity is the transition from space to proton compression and that charge is the transition of protons to wave compression.
That is not pseudo science, if it is right it is something else, love I would argue, whatever you think.
And if this turns out to be wrong, the love is still just love.

And I want to include something off topic, except of love.  The current Trump/Session's insanity in dealing with children needs to be dealt with.  I have heard this called Horrific which is the only way to describe it.  To allege that this is required rings so closely to Nazi justification that I believe it is time for the world, including those in the United States to rise up against this.  I am not going to condemn the administration in total, this is a single issue that can be addressed individually.  I will not stand by, despite the fact that it is just a math solution, and not say that now is the time to challenge the government on this issue.  People do not need to come into the country, perhaps, but this challenge to human decency must be stopped.
There is a companion piece which is DACA which needs to be a short and direct path to citizenship.  This is insane, most of these people being as american as anyone else.  Those who justify these hypocrisy, from the offspring of an invading horde should be criminally challenged.  Maybe the heirs of slaves who disagree with me on this have a place to stand, I won't speak to them.

Back to math.
As long as this is founded in mathematics, it doesn't seem to be pseudo science.  I'd say the standard model, which seems pretty loosely tied to math, is "equally" questionable.  The standard model is a strained attempt to explain things; AuT lays down in the face of observations and says, we have to rethink so we can accept and not force the math.

That being said, and understanding that we are very primitive and tribal in our views, perhaps there is a reader out there that would take some interest.

I will tell you that I am pretty much lost
It is strange to have as much to do
as full a calendar
as many thoughts
and yet be totally lost in terms of the future
How to grapple with the inevitable.
I think the reason is not because I don't have a direction
its more because I refuse to move
even though everything I am doing is in the spirit of change
I feel cut lose for the ability to prepare for change

I hope one day to join with the equations below
That's asking a lot, but I wonder how many of these people
with relatively simple equations
lived to benefit directly from them
or even received the appropriate attribution

I am going to repeat a lot of this in coming weeks
as I take these equations and apply them to the real universe using these 17 equations, the real universe is the one where thermodynamics and dimensions do not exist

There are some easy targets. e=mc^2 is 2f(x)^2^x for x = 4.  That one is pretty easy to deal with.
Euler's equations, e^1/2=-1 is probably a better target for the first equation, because it is the first equation, after a fashion of AuT, corresponding to -1^x in the fpix equation.

And then there is the common time question; part of relativity.

Movement along common ct1 unraveling "rivers" of strands carry along higher ct states in their unraveling, with some parts being constantly dragged out of the common stream, especially in more crowded portions of the river, where parts are moving separately, there is more turbulence, although the net value of the current of unraveling space is the same.

Note this is not the raveling or unraveling of time, this is the raveling and unraveling of non-dimensional space, partially folded or trapped within separate folds.

When something is moving within the stream, it has no time, but as any part slows relative to the light-speed change because of internal movement of the ct1 within the more compressed state this can give rise to manifestations of time, although these are not discernible until you get to the ct3-ct4 interface where they change the electron cloud shown in this diagram.

How the f- is this pseudo science when AuT for the first time defines time for what it is?

We will talk about these figures as we move forward with this discussion.

These show the changing  value of the cloud which is interpreted as time in various forms along with the raveling and unraveling of the knotted, folded universe.
Since at the molecular level, this cloud is dispersed time appears shared within that system although it varies, just as it varies if you are driving fast on the earth vrs sitting still on the earth.
This is explaining, not just accepting, as the standard model.
Here are the equations that will be dissolved.

I expect the mathematicians, physicists and astronomers to eventually rise up to defend me, perhaps to carry my corpse from the pauper's grave to some less peaceful place; but as long as we condone child abuse in the name of zenophobia I expect very little from people.

Coming soon in Audio

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