
Saturday, June 2, 2018

what next, brain waves and a "romance" insert

So I talked about this post a while ago.  I've come back to it.  Its about us.  Well, the whole human race and AuT's proof via shared time as ct3 clouds which is part of the whole Nostradamus thing.
I will shortly get back to symmetry, but it is the weekend, so I will talk about some of the more pleasant things.

I'm working on (play the intro to the low spark) the science of Nostradamus.
I'm about 50 pages into the rewrite.  Its 147 pages and just over 60,000 words, but it'll probably top out around 170 when I'm finished.  It could be much longer, but it is designed to be a digestible form of AuT for the general public.  
I think it was in the low 50's when I started editing.  I am fine tuning quite a bit, getting the perfect story together is something of a struggle.  I need more comedy in my work, it comes across to serious, but I think that is not because I cannot do funny, it is because of the enormous pressure that seems to follow me around like a cloud.  And using squid pro roe in place of quid pro quo is not really funny without the property set up and delivery, timing comedy in writing requires a set up and delivery without inflection, except that which you can plant in the mind of the reader.  
It doesn't help that Science of nostradamus is just another love story, that is what scorned lovers do, they write uninspired loved stories and quantum mechanics.  Everyone knows that.
But we were talking about humor. Humor is not tough.  Basically you just build up tension some way and then release it.  The more you build it up, the funnier when you release it.  You can even do it in stages, like if you are in a crowded elevator and you need to fart (helps to use funny words).  Now that is the set up.  What happens next is the 'release' of the tension.  You can let out one really big loud joke and that is sort of funny, or you can let out little puffs of humor, perhaps building to a cresendo where everyone slowly gets the joke and then you milk it.
And whether it is everyone passed out as you exit or everyone else is rushing out leaving you alone you have to deliver on the punchline.  
It doesn't really seem like it should be funny but picturing all those people collapsed behind the person obliviously escaping a prison of his own making is somehow humourous.  The lightening of the mood comes from how you exit, although the door opening in an explosion, perhaps after someone to the horror of the other passengers prepares to light a cigarette, also is a release of sorts.
So there you have a set up on the physics which follows, a bit on humor and now some romance. I'm getting ready to finish book 3 of the romance/porn series.  Got a 5 star rating on one of the earlier volumes, go figure.  I am waiting for my co-writer who basically takes my work, reformats and it and probably hasn't even added the additional sex scene which I wrote and then i have to edit at least the next 100 pages.  The waiting for little enough from my co-writer is particularly troubling.  

I know this is a physics blog, but let me give you the porn setup.  It combines a bit of humor with the romance.  A hurricane is coming and I decide that all the non-main characters need to get laid.  There is this one rich lady and a banker (also female and younger) who is hoping to become the protege to the rich lady.  The younger female is thinking she is about to have a lesbian encounter and at least thinking she is straight.  A young surfer who plays a minor role in two of the books makes a limited appearance with his friends (did someone order a pizza with extra pepperoni?  That is a standard porn setup line, humorous, a double entendre).
  All the characters, young and old, are beautiful in the book, no one is ugly and decrepit like me.  I wonder if people would like reading about ugly people in a romance novel.  We need love too, although I don't get it.  Perhaps there is an element of romance in the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but who gets laid in the end of that book?  Anyway here is the scene, I wonder if it will be inserted, at least that would be something.
Here is the note to my co-writer.  I basically did this scene as a snub because my co-writer said there was enough sex and I thought it was just an excuse to do even less....
I wanted to add this scene.  Maybe you can dress it up a little and find a place to put it.  If terna and Janice are already getting laid put this with that scene and I will separate them out appropriately.
And finally, the scene:
Terna, the beautiful banker for the whirled project sat in the dark listening to the storm and watching the room light up.  The power was out, Janice had insisted that she go herself to get candles leaving Terna alone in the suite.  She had nervously taken a shower and put on her sexiest, laciest underwear on before putting on a casual dress over it.  She had never done anything like this, but she wanted the job that she felt despite all the failings, Patti was in competition for; that of being the billionaire Janice Love's personal assistant and protege.  She wondered where Patti was, no being able to help hoping she might be swept away in the storm.
Sitting on the couch she thought about Janice, older, but still terribly attractive and fit.  There was a soft knock of the door and she jumped.  Walking quickly to the door like a butler who had been caught napping she opened.  It was dark outside.
Janice laughed at something and for the first time Terna realized she wasn't alone.
"This is Carr and two of his friends.  They were stuck in the general population downstairs.  I know Carr's parents, terribly wealthy.  I told him that they could stay inthe suite through the storm."
"Of course," Terna stammered.
The two young men with Carr sat on a couch and Terna sat in a chair across from them confused.
Then Janice took Carr's hand, "You have to tell me what your mother is doing," She said.  "And let me show you around the suite, where everything is."  With that the two of them went into one of the bedrooms.
Even as Terna stood and sat between the two young men, their bodies hardened by youth and surfing, one golden colored from the sun, the other a natural ebony, she realized that what she had to do for Janice was quite different from what she had been planning.  As she sat, her perfumed bottom sinking into the couch, between these two young men who had now started breathing heavier, she couldn't help but be a little disappointed.
Funny and sexy?  I don't know.

books 1 and 2 in that order.
Back to physics:

I put together a new tag line, "The most comprehensive theory of quantum mechanics you have never heard of" to go with the one about going for a walk and your view of the universe changing by the time you are finished..  What do you think?

You know I really figured out the underlying symmetry to the universe.  There may be some mistakes, maybe some big ones, but that list video, the reason I finished that was that I needed to make sure I had this thing licked.  Oh words...
You know I am not happy.  I'm about as discontented as a person can be who has solved the underlying symmetry of the universe.  I don't get why it is just not flashed all over the frigging internet.  I know my readers have some access.  That's sort of what this marketing push is about.  Light things up a little.  Of course, I can't expect this to be done without a lot of input from me, that's why the videos, the audio book (still no word there), book 3, 4th edition and so on and so forth.
But its time to have some fun.  I mean serious, right now I lose myself in my writing, primarily the physics which is not a ton of fun over the last month, I exercise to the point where I can't stand the heat any more, then I collapse and fall asleep for maybe two or three hours then I am up, too tired to write, worrying about things.  I have had a couple of breaks the last day or two which if they go my way will minimize my risks some.  I really need that.
And then there is this whole question of "what am I doing?"  I figure if I solved the US of the U that should be enough for a while, but for some reason, no.

I find the whole concept of inflection points applicable here.  Things changed the shoe went to the other foot.  The decisions shift with it, after a fashion.  At least for a time.  I wonder how much of an influence all of this has on my work.  Obviously it is the source of the work.

It's based on research that has found people's brain waves sync upwhen they're in each other's presence. So if you want to become a funnier or more physically fit person, Cerf's advice is to seek out funny or physically fit friends. You'll naturally start becoming more like them.

and, of course, this is entirely consistent with the aut definition of time as shared and disbursed ct3 in the ct3-4-5 matrix.

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