
Monday, June 4, 2018

symmetry 2 scale 1 marketing and questions

The sky turned a martian red yesterday evening as the setting sun played off the huge thunderstorms.  It was a beauty that was lost because there was no one like you who could appreciate it with me.
I went outside it to take it in, the day was still hot, no cold air from the stratosphere was brought down and the sweltering heat remained in control.

I am continuing to work towards the campaign for AuT which should start in a couple of days and be supplemented substantially after a week.
I will be tweaking what I already wrote, to make it a plea for review and not acceptance.
I think I will probably have two or three separate posts and not just one.

And I will ask some questions, like these:
You have been selected to review the summary and for comment.  This is presented in several parts, each with a short survey and your participation is invited but not mandatory.
What questions do you have about this theory
What bothers you about the theory
Did you take time to watch any of the videos:
Did you look at any of the books associated with the theory: 
If you would like more information you may request it and the most recent version is in book 3, 4th edition available on amazon:
Did you take time to consider the entire article
Do you agree that separate informational states of compression (ct states) can coexist with their own dimensions remaining while appearing in more or less dimensions from our 3 dimensional perspective

If you wanted to be added to the mailing list, you could, of course, let me know; but you will mostly be given it here first and have the opportunity to warn or counsel in its regard.
It should start in 3 or four days, but only as a general presentation to the general public who may or may not have an appetite for something so unique.

I continue to see large downloads as someone reading this theory finally gets it and I would greatly appreciate your ordering a book instead (book 3 being the only fully upto date one although by no means comprehensive) but whatever.

The second tier of marketing will be targeted, probably via mail chimp, a strangely modern way to go about it, but there it is.  This is the dicier part.
The cost is ratcheting up a bit, maybe to 250.00 which is an interesting change in things, but not necessarily one to be concerned with.  The whole mailchimp thing bothers me not a little, its cost, its invasive nature, its reliance on contracting out to 3rd world countries, but if I spread the wealth a bit and it works, no harm done, if I do it and it somehow backfires, I will deal with it when the time comes.  Apparently the universe has decided on this path and I agree in principle.

My theory absolves us all of individual fault, which does not make our bad choices any better.

Back To Symmetry and Scale

If the laws/of/nature have a definite scale, does this effect extend from super symmetry and how?
This is one of those areas where the answer seems so obvious that it is perhaps too clear for comfort.
The whole idea of material science, the different attributes of materials and the different effects of scale have to do uniquely with force which is not force at all below the quantum level.

What do angular and time non-symmetry tell us?  Both involve a common destabilizing factor, time.  In AuT because time doesn't exist at the quantum level symmetry has to be differently considered.  There is no spin and there is certainly no time in quantum moments.
This does, however, allow us to look at symmetric and asymmetric results in a different way.  Not as changes over a time which can be manipulated at least on the quantum level in theory by tweaking the charge results, taking the unraveling strings and re-raveling them through the application of post super symmetric strings, a sort of false suspended animation (false because it has to allow the changes of ct1 and non really suspended but constantly corrected), but as changes over values of x where there is not real symmetry in anything other than change in x.  If you reverse x, you reverse the entire universe so you have symmetry, undetectible, of a sort.  If you reverse anything after x, you basically don't really have symmetry because everything moves through space at a bare minimum and things change relative to their fuse for charge change.
Likewise when looking at things like angular momentum on the quantum level, you are rotating objects about something which requires an examination of the different dimensions involved (ct10,ct2 1, ct3 2, etc.).  Angular momentum is quite different in AuT.

AuT gives us a unique knowledge of interaction.
Gravity as the stacking of non-dimensional space onto the information of photons, photons also being the breakdown in a time free environment of waves, waves being uniquely original to time but in one less dimension and the molecular forces as being involved in the states past time, past the atomic which includes time almost of necessity but is past gravity which has a most indirect but important effect.
The interplay of these different dimensions, different quantum results, different compression states and different experiences of time and especially three dimensions where we tend to focus contain an extraordinary conceptual framework for scales.

It will take more than two post to unravel this, but the stage is set and this is all going into the 3rd edition of Book 4, what I am now hard at work on.

The storm has come now, filled with lightening to a rather frightening constant extent, continuously lighting the tall trees whose swayingtops are backlit by the clouds and then front lit by the near constant bolts.

It is impossible to love someone else, to even want anyone else if you are truly in love with someone.  i believe this although love is different for everyone and what i feel is uniquely my own.

The storm has now been joined with rain and even a break in the heat, at last.  The lightning is still constant, beautiful and scary and like the strange light from earlier, it makes me think of you.

And if you liked the romance insert, please consider ordering the first book:

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