
Saturday, June 9, 2018

post 2 physics

Ah Saturday morning.  Well, things seem to be coming to head here. With a little luck (good or bad) I will probably be homeless in the near future, but we'll have to wait and see how that pans out.  That is one of those things that goes back and forth and I suppose that probably involves good and bad as do most things, tending ultimately towards death.
I did a lot of "work" yesterday in terrible heat, but I got no exercise.  Today will probably be much of the same.  You may wonder how big a deal it is to me not to get exercise one day or another.  I wonder too.  I just know I'm a little jittery about things; exercise helps.

I have a series of posts on symmetry that I have not gotten to and I need to stay plugged in to finishing Nostradamus where I'm crawling past the mid point.  I should be further along, but I decided to to series as part of rewrite of book 4 along with the symmetry part and it takes some time and I'm having some second thoughts about some of the conclusions reached.

I am posting it to the physics discussion group, but not getting a lot of discussion which makes me thing the page is broke.

Another wrinkle is introduced in this post which is that the universe exists as a series of "quantum snapshots" so everything happens at once. Einstein famously said "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." which was one of the foundations for this theory 5 years ago. It turns out that "everything happens at once" is different from "all histories happen together." It also turns out that because time doesn't really exist the way we thought it did, that everything does happen at once. Sort of. All histories do not happen together, even without time.

Post 2
There were a few issues left open in the last post.
What was argued, without a lot of support, in the last post was that space turns into photons (and vice versa), photons into waves, waves into matter (e=mc^2) and matter into black holes (observed).  This allows us to identify what gravity is, the big bang, why pi is what it is and some other things.
We left a few things unanswered:
1)     Seeing the conversion of space to matter (and back) -not covered here
2)     The closely related “why do we move in curves”-not covered here
3)     Gravity as folding (compressing)-partially covered here
4)     Exactly what is time.-not covered here
5)     What is wave particle duality?-not covered here
6)     The  specific method of compressing/folding to go from one state to the next
7)     The range of forces, we’ll get to this next too
So many holes, but we’re just getting started and all these will be filled.
There are equations and details in those videos and books, the purpose of this series of posts is not to provide mathematical proofs, but is instead to have a “physics discussion.”
In the last post, I made the statement that space and matter were the same thing.  This post I’ll say that every change happens at once.  This is not the same as saying that everything happens at the same time which sounds inconsistent, but we’ll get to time in due course.  For now, it is outrageous enough (and correct) to say that the universe exists as a series of quantum snapshots and all of our observations must logically support that (or at least not rebut it).  By the way, we know that there are 10^44 of these snapshots per second. I say “we” because this comes from a Planck analysis of time. 
A few details are required.
This is a discussion, not a lecture.  Some issues are worked out to my satisfaction, some are not. The big picture is clear, the little nuances not so much.
Here are the clues worked out in the last post, logic and gravity.
1)     Logic dictates that gravity must be derived differently from other "forces"
2)     Gravity moves towards a compressed state, antigravity to an uncompressed state as shown by our localized net gravity and the net dark energy of the universe as a whole.
3)     The pi equation suggests that there are 4 states and with photons, waves, and mass, we’re left with space as the only observed 4th state;  and, of course, black holes as the 5th state on the other extreme with each state adding a dimension after the first one.
4)     The pi denominator gives an alternatively expanding and contracting model (fpix) driven by the compression or release of space and the net compression vs decompression of the higher states.
5)     The pi equation also suggests a non-steady state universe, one where the total amount of information increases constantly.
It’s time for the second clue.  There are so many to pick from, but we’ll use force, although in a little while we’re going to tear force apart along with time.
We’re also going to limit ourselves to 4 forces.  We have to rearrange them a little for this discussion:
1)                Strong force: strength 1 range 10^-15. According to AuT this results from compressing or decompressing what we’ll call ct4 into what we’ll call ct5 states which bind the nucleus together.  I use ct4 instead of mass and ct5 instead of black holes because ct4 includes some transitional states, electrons and protons, as well as non-transitional neutrons.  Ct5 include transitional black hole states which we call molecular states.
2) Weak: 10^-6 Range 10^-18.  According to AuT this results from compressing or decompressing wave energy into mass. 
3) Electro-mag 1/137 range infinite (AuT-compressed ct2 ( to a transitional photon or photon to wave)
4) Gravity 6x10^-39th range infinite (This results from space transitioning to photons or ct1 to ct2)
So where is our clue? 
          Range is a pretty big clue.  We talk about Gravity and E-M as having infinite range so we need to deal with both of these together.  The limited ranges also have to be dealt with.  Finally, there is the quality of the force, which is not so easy to deal with.
          AuT suggests that the ranges of gravity and EM are based on different features.
          Compression through folding comes (1) from space (ct1) to photons (ct2), (2) from photons to waves (ct3), (3) from waves to matter (ct4) and (4) matter to black holes (ct5).
          We also established the proposition that space has no dimension.  Since we are dealing with something with zero dimension, having an infinite range is pretty easy, ipso facto, a clue to space (a) having no dimension and (b) folding to create photons and gravity and (c) gravity having an infinite range.  The “loading” or “unloading” of the folds to increase compression is where force comes from.  Compression or folded space into photons created gravity.
          If you study physics you want to say that transitional photons create EM, and that is possible, but if you accept that you have problems with where gravity comes from.  There is another place to generate gravity and that is from the transition from -1^n to fpix.  This would leave a non-dimensional element (fpix to photons) to give EM its range. 
          However, for several reasons (e.g. the numerator of pi and wave particle duality), I will keep EM as photons loading into waves and the only way to give this infinite reach is by concluding that (1) its transitions with space are close enough to give it that reach or (2) it operates in a single dimension gives it a greater reach.  There are other reasons that have to do with time, for example, the transitions between photons and waves happen independent of time, but we haven’t gotten to time yet so we’ll table this for now.
          That leaves the question of why the range for the remaining two forces are so short and that is answered, because they are (1) folding of waves to matter (a short range process, limited to the range between electrons and protons) and folding matter to black holes (also a short range process between neutrons and other nuclear element).
There was a recent article where they suggested that the “pressure” in a neutron star was lower than the pressure in the neutron itself.  This last paragraph speaks to that.  A neutron is a fully compressed ct4 state.  A neutron state is an almost fully compressed ct5 (black hole) state, ipso factor, the pressure is lower.  Put another way, a neutron star is to ct5 as a proton-electron pair is to a neutron (or ct4). 
We will get to the reason for these transitional states in the next post.
Now for those of you who are paying attention, you are saying, whoa cowboy, we experience the strong force and we are not in a black hole.  And there, of course, you are wrong, because we have our toe dipped into a black hole.  The short version is that molecular interactions above the electron/proton/neutron) are all features of the transition from matter to black holes.
You’ll note there is nothing here about beta decay or bosons or mesons, but I mentioned before this did not follow the standard model and it will not.  If you want to see a little of why the standard model isn’t followed by this model you can look at books 7 and 8.
Here are parts of this discussion worth considering:
1) Quantum instances (the universe in individual snapshots) and infinite reach of forces suggest that we have to have regional "net" forces; because each one pairs with nearby opposite results; much like folding/compression occurs.
2) Its worth a passing mention, that positive and negative feature likely result from the net value of trapped states since the only "charge" in this system comes from the denominator of pi.
3) Compression, folding and loading are ways of talking about the transitions from ct1 to ct5 and while "knotting" up of the string of solutions is the result; the process is just having all the solutions together at any quantum instant.
4) Force cannot be force as we observe it because there is no time element in a snapshot.
5) A lot going on for such a simple formula for fpix (folding, positive and negative switching, net values)  and these differences, especially charge changing in a time free, dimension free environment (trapping as net charge) helps explain why EM extends as far as gravity.

If you are impatient Please see the author's Amazon page at: and the author's Facebook page for more links (only book 3 is fully up to date although books 7 and 8 cover the theory in connection with the standard model) and articles at or @frzmn1 which include the blog which has 5 years of development of the theory is you feel like slogging through that.
Video overviews can be found on this
Youtube Channel:
The videos are surprisingly up to date, the one on compression deals with how the folding occurs in detail.

End of part 2

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