
Friday, June 15, 2018

Proof of AuT outside of science

Has the united states has gone insane?
We are separating children from their parents and jailing them
Because this nation of immigrants
who mostly wiped out the indigenous people
need a border to peaceably co-exist with other immigrant hopefuls
I won't go into what we elected,
it's beyond me, you have to figure that one out on your own
for better hopefully or worse statistically
things are so strange
A world that lives with this lack of logic has to be controlled by something else
Aut provides a super-symmetry mechanism that controls our actions
It includes sufficient disorder (not entropy) inherent in reordering time
that is could cause war, insanity, current US immigration policy
It is the only way I can explain you and I
I could give you some logic on that
which would be as nonsensical as everything else going on.
i thought about reaching out
I would like it if you would reach out to me
but I don't want to insult you
My audio book is back on track for the end of July
I am sad because I feel it is possible that I have been kicked out of an astronomy group
for putting forth my theory, largely for free
It is free, just if you want a book and don't have prime maybe
I did a video on this issue:
Why stop the disclosure of something like this over a post?
It's the first negative on facebook if it happened.
I wish you'd call me in the middle of the night
when I am sleepless
But I don't want to insult you.
I have a lot of respect for you
your association with me and my crazy ideas
may tarnish you, but never in my eyes
If I figured out how the universe works
and I can convince everyone of that
then maybe I will respect myself
as much as i respect you
You have no idea the demons that live in me
I'm not religious so I'm not talking about real demons
but they are real to me
I would not argue I'm doing what I have to do
I don't know if it is confused
it is certainly driven by fear
but what could be worse than loneliness?
I am not even a real person
but perhaps if I am right
none of us are real people
a glass of cold comfort

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