
Thursday, June 7, 2018

symmetry 3: lifespans

I swam 2500 yards after an emotional day.
I suffered some disappointment today, but the marketing thing started and I was forced to confront my arrogance.  The two were unrelated, although there was some connection in time and event.
And then I was forced to confront my love and realize how little strands of contact can be strong and how much they can mean to me.  I clung to the one today to a silly extent.
And I wondered, having figured out how the universe worked but uncertain as to the efficacy of the marketing (low expections, but my view of what was done made me realize I was probably only getting what I paid for), what reward there was.  I suppose if there is one, I will eventually see it.  Perhaps that is what death is for me.  Not exactly what I'm looking for.  Or perhaps I will live forever, the only fate worse than death, again perhaps.
In the interest of explaining the disappointment it was the reach of what was done, although that is the lesser undertaking.
Tomorrow, the work begins again on the audio book which is an important step.  I am engaged in the "work" of being a writer of both physics and other stuff.

AuT redefines energy as something that happens to change the compression state of things in one direction or the other, the loading or unloading of information arms in the old vernacular.
It also, as I am fond of saying, composed of two equations, one non linear in effect and the other linear.
Early on NLT referred to this generally.
This says a lot to average solutions and wh things are like they look, why there are "one dimensional and rotational vectors." when we have all these different dimensions.  This is possible because lifespans are so long, states are very durable.

One can imagine, at the midrange of the universe, the length of common solutions.
This is a complex discussion because we have to use time for it to make sense.  Time is the historical perspective at the ct3-ct4 level that allows us to view the non-dimensional, time free changes of x.  There is interconvertibility of dimension, the more fundamental solution, with changes in x which in turn can be interpreted as changes in time.
The calculations for this are presented below for those of you who like to look at spreadsheets and who wish to see how these numbers are discerned.

Let us look at this in terms of 13 billion years, or 1.3 x 10^10 years or 4.1x10^16 seconds
In each one of these seconds there are, by some planck analysis, 5.4x10^44 changes per second.
One can look at this and discern a couple of things. (a) things change pretty quickly and (b) in terms of scale the rate of change is much higher than the amount of time that has gone by.
There is another scale, however, and this is the "midrange" of fpix values.
Perspective suggests that There are a minimum of 7.3x10^64 points in the universe ignoring prior big bangs, perhaps 3.2x10^100 points total.  Twice this number would be the maximum length of fpix for the longest lived point, so this number represents the average lifespan of a point in terms of x.
If one were to divide this max by the number of changes in a second, then this shows that the average lifespan on a point in the universe is 1.78x10^56 seconds which suggests that the average lifespan of fpix state is 10^40 times longer than the lifespan of the entire universe (so far during this expansion cycle).
Conceptually, these offsetting scales (long lifespan vs 10^44 changes per second) is the reason we don't see things flying apart.

Information 2*f(n) 2^n 2f(n)^2n f(n)
N max changes per quanum instant
1 2 2 4 2*1 0+1
2 4 4 256 2*2 1+1 velocity
3 6 8 1679616 2*3 1+2 Time
4 10 16 1E+16 2*5 2+3 ct4 time
5 16 32 3.4028E+38 2*8 3+5 ct5 time
3.4028E+38 ratio of prior state to current state=maximum time
changes/quantum inst ct4 1.6796E+22 at ct4 3*4 4.29982E+24 3*4*2
changes/quantum inst ct5 5.7154E+60 at ct5 3*4*5 1.46315E+63 3*4*5*2
1.62x10^-35 plank lenth 16
lightspeed c=2.99792458x10^11k/sec e=mc^2
299792458 m/s (e/m)=c^2
1.62E-35 Planck length in meters 1.62 1E-35
At lightspeed there are 1.6796E+22 changes per quantum moment
For a distance 1.62E-35 there are 1.6796E+22 changes at light speed/quantum length
At lightspeed   299792458 m/s there are 1.0368E+57 changes per meter
A quantum instant is 3.4584E+48 changes per second at ct4 at lightspeed
If a quantum moment is 5.40374x10^-44th of a second (betw ct2 and ct4)
Then the maximum ct4 changes are:
1.67962E+22 per 5.4037E-44 of a second at lightspeed
5.40374E-44 in A Planck length, the portion of a second
Changing value of 1 radian
540 60
67.5 -20
12 5
540 67.5*8 52
51.9230769 52/15 *180
15.57692308 difference from 67.5
105 420
35 -140
21 84 7
15 -60
304 105/304
62.1710526 180
5.328947368 difference from 67.5
age of universe 9
365 days/year 1.3E+10
24 hours/day
360 seconds/hr
3153600 seconds/year 4.0997E+16
13,400,000,000 years
3.45839E+48 changes/sec
1.46146E+65 pts
20,000,000,000 1.62E+35
20,000,000,001 8.8E+26
10000000001 avg years 1.4256E+62
7.30728E+64 1/2 pts
7.30728E+74 1/2 pts time avg universe 0.67 % through decompression
3.4028E+38 full compression (ct5)
2.2685E+38 current compression

I am right at the halfway point in the edits of Nostradamus and I will republish that this month if all goes well although it may yet have another rewrite, but there's no reason to have that very, very rough draft out there any longer.
I remain both generally optimistic and catestrophically nervous about things.

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