
Thursday, June 14, 2018

physics 5

I did yoga
Not only did it make me sad because of the things we haven't done
but it reminded me of what I like and dislike about yoga
stretching and everything else respectively
I wrote prior yesterday's post at 5am after being up for an hour
Of course, that comes from book 3 which has been published for some time.
The rest from 5:45 to 6:30 was the best sleep I've had in a while.
I am joining an astronomy facebook page.

We are going to talk a bit about time, that most precious of things.

But first imagine how much you can tell about a galaxy by applying this theory to its shape, how far it is in one state or another, how much information it has and how it is moving relative to the center, the edges and other galaxies.  In AuT the strings that bind give rise to much more information than just gravitational observations.

Even time and age are different because of how things age and how long they survive under aut, in some cases very short and in some longer than the universe in its current expansion/contraction phase.  In light of AuT, everything needs to be reevaluated.

AuT is self evident in many things; the dimensions held by each state is durable and therefore remains even if it appears three dimensional, the fact that space and everything else are the same thing; And that time is very "clock workish" on the quantum level which is obvious to everyone who thinks about it.  As ct1 moves through the internal workings of ct3-ct4 matrix states it pulls the ct3 states about in the entanglement generating the changes that are time.

A.    Part 5 Nomenclature

We are going to talk a bit about time, that most precious of things.

But first imagine how much you can tell about a galaxy by applying this theory to its shape, how far it is in one state or another, how much information it has and how it is moving relative to the center, the edges and other galaxies.  In AuT the strings that bind give rise to much more information than just gravitational observations.

Even time and age are different because of how things age and how long they survive under aut, in some cases very short and in some longer than the universe in its current expansion/contraction phase.  In light of AuT, everything needs to be reevaluated.

AuT is self evident in many things; the dimensions held by each state is durable and therefore remains even if it appears three dimensional, the fact that space and everything else are the same thing; And that time is very "clock workish" on the quantum level which is obvious to everyone who thinks about it.  As ct1 moves through the internal workings of ct3-ct4 matrix states it pulls the ct3 states about in the entanglement generating the changes that are time.

We already have an extensive dictionary, but we have to make a place for time and that means discussing transitional states.  A more precise definition of transitional states appears in the books on this subject, but this is an overview and we don’t need to get bogged down in details and compression theories.
For those who are apoplectic it is worth noting that you can insert (in theory) before any statement.
We’ve defined a system that has only a couple of solutions and that forms “places” that translate into dimension by sequential compression of other states.  This is similar to counting in base 10, but a little different.
Here is the dictionary:
1)     X-The count of the universe, counting in sequential quantum whole numbers (1,2,3, etc).  Each number represents a quantum instant for the entire universe
2)     quantum points-individual bits of information which make up the universe.  It is estimated there are at least 10^100 of these defining everything from space to black holes.  Each has a positive or negative charge for any value of x
3)     transition fuses-the time between charge changes
4)     Fpix-the denominator of pi and an equation that separates quantum points of the universe by transition fuses.
5)     F-series-The Fibonacci series f(n)
6)     Exponential compression 2^n
7)     Place-Also compression sate defined by the f-series raised to the exponential compression number which defines dimension
8)     Information arms-the number of folds represented by exponential compression based on pairing positive and negative lower ct states.
9)     Transitional states-compression states where the information arms are not filled.  Two examples are protons and electrons. Transitional states can be described as the transition between a lower state and a higher state.  A ct3-ct4 transitional state, such as the electron and proton, are transitional states between waves and neutrons.
10)Force-Changes over values of x in the filling of information arms.  Electro-magnetism is theorized to be the loading and unloading of ct2 states onto ct3 information arms.
11) Light speed.  The rate change represented by a single ct1 state passing through a single ct2 state between two quantum instants
12) Time: The ratio of ct1 states passing within a ct3-ct4 transitional state to ct1 states exiting a ct3-ct4 transitional state.  This ratio is the source of velocity time dilation.  We are moving through space at a rate of 790,000 mph along with molecular and atomic movement tied to ct1 state movement which form a baseline for time from our perspective.  The movement of ct1 states within the ct3-ct4 transitional state alter the arrangement of the ct3 wave states captured between the proton and the electron altering the history of points within the transitional state and the comparison of one collection of points to subsequent arrangements of the same points creates history.  Note that time is independent of the counter for the universe, although the counter for the universe may be viewed from the perspective of time.
13)Electron Bundle-The waves states within ct3-ct4 and ct4-ct5 transitional states which hold the history for a matrix.
14) Gravity-the force created by non-dimensional solutions being “loaded” onto information arms of ct2. 
15) Dark Energy (anti-gravity)-the force created by non-dimensional solutions being unloaded from information arms of ct2. This includes releasing ct1 states from a higher ct state matrix.
16)Ct1-space defined by fpix sequential solutions
17)Ct2-photons: The first compression state, unique as coming from a non-dimensional state to a dimensional state. Note that the transition between ct1, ct2 and ct3 occur below the level of time and the transitions are therefore partially hidden from a time-based analysis. 
19)Ct4-neutrons-Note that neutrons do not allow for significant passing of ct1 states within the ct4 state due to the compressed nature of the neutrons, so time does not exist within neutrons.  This is the source of gravitational time dilation.
20)Ct5-black holes. Note that molecular states are ct4-ct5 transitional states.
21)Ct6 and beyond-theorized higher compression states that will form when the total amount of information in the universe is sufficient.
22)Matter and anti-matter theorized to be the net charge value of the trapped ct1 states within a ct2 or higher matrix.  When two states are brought together along a single strand of ct1 it is because one is expanding and the other contracting in terms of compression and the interaction of the two along this single ct1 strand leads to the breakdown of the two states.  Likewise when two states are dragged apart along a single strand one is converted to matter and the other to anti-matter (theorized).
23)The big bang: A misnomer referring to the time when the collection of compression solutions of ct1 states into higher ct states went from a net positive compression state to a net negative decompressing state reflecting a greater release of ct1 states from higher states than the corresponding entrapment.  We are approximately 13 billion years (13billionx10^44 changes in x) from the latest inflection point and approximately 7 billion years from the next inflection point where the universe will begin to contract again.

Now we have defined time within this list of definitions, but we’re going to dig a little deeper because we use time so much and we are misusing time to the confusion of physics at the quantum level. We’re fine at the non-quantum level with time and physics.

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