
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Part 6: The two red herrings

Part 6: The two red herrings
Having exposed dimension (in the 5 posts on dimension) as a red herring, it is time to discuss the second red herring, time.
A quick recap, all states (5 matching the numerator of pi plus 1 black holes) of dimensional information exist together.  We tend to ignore 0-2 because they are folded into 3 and we see 4 stretch out into the 4th dimension (black holes) and call that a hole when its really the opposite of a hole.
This perspective mistake is a red herring in the vernacular.
Just as there are two equations defining the base universe instead of 1; so too there are two red herrings.  The other is time.
Once you get time right, everything else falls into place, but you had to get the dimension right to understand how time works.
In order to understand time you have to understand dimension, but once you do, Wave Particle duality becomes clear, the error in the The Michelson/Morley ether experiment becomes obvious and time becomes obvious.
This is not a teaser, so I'll tell you that the test was in error because wave length variation requires a time-based change in light waves and the exchange between quantum space and light occurs without a time reference.
The reason is because time is not at all what we have been led to believe.  There is quantum change (dx) in the universe which creates a universe of quantum snapshots and then there is this thing we call time.
Look at a visual, every compression state is surrounded by other compression states:
You have here 2 neutrons (ct4) surrounded by layers of ct3 (waves), ct2 (photons) and ct1 space.
Time dilation is a ratio of velocity to "time," in the old way of looking at things.
Once you realize the universe is bunched up dimensions, the true nature of time is seen as the ratio of ct1 movement within the ct3-ct4 cloud to ct1 movement outside of that cloud.
We'll show how this is part of the big bang shortly, but it isn't complicated in theory.
If time is so obviously this relative quantum change internal or external to the proton-electron interface; why do we miss it?  The reason is that it occurs at the ratio of 10^44 to 1 second so it appears seamless.  Also, we naturally use historical reference points (time) for all of our tests so we write the mistake into everything we do.  Otherwise, Marley would have written a paper that said, "we found the ether and it is us."
How do we intuitively know this?
One way, is that we "all have our own time."  This means that time is not some fundamental feature, it has to be an effect because we each experience the effect differently.  Another way we know that time isn't what we thought it was is that in a quantum state universe time doesn't exist.  Time is the comparison of changes between the snapshots.  There is no time, therefore no thermodynamics, within these snapshots.  Those things which physics holds so dear that it creates illogical systems to explain them, become fairly easy to explain once we put the red herrings aside and look at true dimension and true "change."
If you watched the list video, you would have seen how removing these two items solves almost all of the mysteries of the universe.
Now you may be asking, if this is the case, would you not be able to say something like "there is 5.40374x10^-44th second for each of these true quantum changes for changes at the speed of light?  The answer, of course is yes.
Now you validly ask this question:  "Do you really expect anyone to believe that you are accurately describing time and space for the first time on facebook?"  The answer to that question is technical, but you can draw your own conclusions..

If you are impatient Please see the author's Amazon page at: and the author's Facebook page for more links and articles at or @frzmn1 which include the blog which has 5 years of development of the theory is you feel like slogging through that.
Video overviews can be found on this Youtube Channel:
The videos are surprisingly up to date.  For the one on compression deals with how the folding occurs in detail.  And this is my blog which takes an often tongue in cheek approach.

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