
Monday, June 17, 2019

Galaxies and hubble

174.4 this morning.  It is nice to be clearly under 175; although i have to be careful not to lose too much weight.  I continue to largely ignore the core work and to skip the exercises that are critical to my mental and physical health.
Yesterday I did a much truncated stair workout followed by a not too truncated weight workout.   Whatever else happened, I  feel good physically this morning orther than the eye problems.
In short, I am exercising my body, not always efficiently, especially in this heat, but it is happening.
Mentally....well these are trying times.
I slept till after 5 and if the distance into the morning I slept wa an indicator, today would have been an ok day.
There are other factors.   You.  Deadlines, that seem to include a death of sorts, financial deadlines, choices; you again and this over whatever else I could have done and which I did not do and which now may be too late.
I am thankful for the massive amounts of work i have done up till now, but I am daunted because the amount of work remaining is significant.
I suppose if everything was fininshed i would have a fusion reactor humming in my garage.  It is not just the funding for that which worries me, it is the technical side, for I have now gotten to the point where I can lay out the technical requirements, reduce this to experimentation; but the closer I get there, the more I get to something which is dark and unpleasant.   Star wars science comes with a catch.   Too much understanding.
I am also not without a car, but limited in what I can do with what I have.  Trips down the interstate are limited or at night are what I would call unlikely.
And of course during the day there is the heat.   This is not the first time I have been in this position.  Some of the best years of my life were with an old subaru which should have been parted out but which I maintained through a few years till I managed to find another ride.  It was not, however, a reliable car, it was suffering from terminal warped engine blocks; fatal over time.   And there were years when I only had a motorcycle, something which changes your attitude about permanence.  Not like AuT, it has an effect on permanence which is much deeper.
I will dictate amend and file what I need to this morning.
This afternoon and Tomorrow, well tomorrow will take care of itself.   This afternoon I am not looking for miracles; just for an opportunity to continue up the steep road before me.

SYFY WIRE: Battle of the bulges: Have astronomers been wrong about spiral galaxies all this time?.

You should know by now why articles about galaxies are important to quantum mechanics.  If not, you need ot buy one of my books on physics and read it.  Einstein saw this, not clearly, but he saw it.  I see it clearly, but I also understand that the lines are blurred by what I would have called dimensional changes, but which I am increasingly moved to call base numbering changes.  The ratios that give rise to dimension are increasingly troubling to me rather than satisfying.  I see that the algorithms involved are trivial; but there seems to be something that I have written down which holds a greater significance than I have given it.
What AuT tells us is that these structures are transient in both directions, breathing just as the universe as a whole breaths, just as the lower base state fractals breath and we even know where that breath comes from, an increasingly hidden underlying and predictable algorithm that requires we draw two opposing Fibonacci arms instead of one to define the universe.

Long before I matched this to the Vitruvean man this existed in pretty much just this way.   You can prove that if you want, just follow the blog posts back till you see this appear for the first time and then compare it to the appearance of the trademark earlier this year.
I forget when it first occurred to me that I was working with alternating exponent states as opposed to just alternating exponents.
The modeling that needs to be done is largely a question of modeling different base exponent results.  It is complex in design and effect.
Indeed the requirements of energy, being what they are and what they are not is so irreverant to the religion of pre-AuT science that even I recoil from them.  I do not doubt them, at least not the math behind them, but I recoil from what they mean, how we control forces or bend them to our will; when in fact we do not and have always known that.  The paradox raised by this very logical result is not a paradox at all except to conscious action, another thing and not another fantasy like religion or love.

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