
Friday, June 21, 2019

The why of the presentation

I am not doing very well these days.
I have gone past my comfort zone in several places.
So I am  going to assume that you have all looked at the 3 minute presentation.
We are going to talk about the weapon in fusion.
For those of you who are wondering why, let me start with this.
Every fusion reactor is a controlled fusion bomb. These are very powerful things even though they only yield about 5% efficiency.   Most of the ordinance is unexploded.  The reasons they are ineffective are covered in AuT; but the truth is that even at five or six percent they are capable of destroying much more than the city destroying bombs that were used in wwii.
In a twisted, dark way, a favor was done in wwii by using those two bombs because they showed the world what these weaapons were capable of, but if you have not seen the results of fusion bombs...well it is a scale of magnitude worse.
And yes, AuT, the energy papers which are published btw and part of the books, actually lay out the relative strengths in a chart and based on AuT mathematics, the whole fractal 2f(n) raised to whatever thing.
And it explains why, although the why is a bit dissatisfying.
But we are talking about death stars here and merely talking about why.
why redacted
why tatooine
why a death star

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