
Sunday, January 17, 2021

31 days to next deadline! apocalypto 383 weaponizing

I used to be able to dig post holes all day long.  Now after an hour I'm pretty much done.
It was nice to get some upper body work, even thought that is a strange way to do it.  Maybe, unlikely, I will swim today.  
I'm thinking about using my math to predict the lottery results.  This seems pretty unlikely; especially without a lot more data that I could possible dig out, but it is an interesting thing to look at and I found a way to cheat the data out.  Of course when you cheat on the data, you mess up the results, but even so it is an interesting math problem and with the results being as high as they are it seems worth doing.
Now if only I could find someone who I trust, or who I wouldn't mind robbing me, in a jurisdiction where they sell lottery tickets to buy them for me....

This is post 2501, that is interesting isn't it?

I'm miserable right now, too much worry, too much to do, too many problems to solve.  Even the call which is coming up is unpleasant to me; knowing it is for nothing and now knowing why it is for nothing.  The life force is not strong today, because I don't see a way forward to what is important, at least nothing quick.  It is just a slow slog.

50-160, this is the number of people (minimum) calculated necessary to repopulate the earth.  It makes you wonder what would happen with only 2 and how it started with 1; but I guess there was never really just one, but perhaps at one point there were less than 50.  And other studies suggest 2000 so its all over the place.  It puts things in perspective.  How important everyone is in a crisis.

Did I say there were no more may entries?  There are many of them, even in May.  348 old posts still out there.  When I get to the most recent one, well when I get there you'll see a post that probably makes no sense.

One of those terribly old books I had had this quote:

What were you thinking of when you were her age?" "You," he said promptly. She became a little coy. "You hadn't even met me!" "Just the same I was thinking about you. Doggone it, I didn't have a very good life before I met you. Oh, I don't mean it that way at all. I had everything most other people did, but it just seemed that I was lost. There was nobody at all I could tell things to, or share with, and the first day I saw you I knew I could never leave."

What's the most important thing about the quote which follows?  It's that I didn't really have a complete understanding of things in May of 2013.  There is no need to read this quote, it adds nothing it merely shows I had no idea what I was talking about in a larger sense in 2013.  Essentially nothing in it is right.

May 23, 2013: 4 of (3) weapons of creation-How to convert T space to God space-question of the day

The question of weaponizing space conversion is the question of nuclear war on steroids. Before discussing this in detail, it is good to remember Truman's quote on nuclear weapons-they are designed to kill populations, not armies. This is the experiment that should be considered carefully.

Unlike the violent Sting universe, if you get ahold of G-space and you figure out how to ignite it (release time) you can get all the anti-gravity and T-space (o-space) you want because all the g-space is in one place (even though you get it spread out in time which I've explained as promised previously to the extent you haven't already figured it out.

(2) of (2) weapons of creation-How to convert T space to God space-question of the day
So you want to convert a little of the old T-space back to G-space and then back again just to see how easy it is? Maybe make an anti-gravity device? This is all pretty easy since all you have to do is burn a little of that time off of G-Space and you can blow the whole universe apart. If you accept the gravity equation where time goes to zero as gravity goes to infinity, all you have to do is compress enough matter together so it starts to absorb time (i.e. make a singularity or approach one). Here's the kicker, it should be possible to get really, really close to a singularity and then undo it at the last minute. You start to absorb time, then reverse it and release the time.
In this way, since you are can also generate space/matter you should be in a position to create gravity or anti-gravity.
While this sounds like science fiction, it actually happens often enough on a large scale that we should be able to test it conceptually. You need an exterior measure of time that is affected. You'd have to be able to observe it from space. You'd also need the energy from nearby energy and gravity sources that you could time against one another so you could look for tell-tale aberrations in time.
The event I refer to would be the shrinking of of a star as it burns all it's fuel followed by the explosion immediately afterward. The closer the star is to collapsing as a neutron start before the explosion, the easier it would be to get to the right spot to observe this time fluxuation.
This type of event should, with the right star, get you pretty close to time absorption followed by the release of time and gravity.

Now travel faster than the speed of light? That is part 5 of 3 and requires a comment from one physicist from each of twenty countries.  Soon we will reach a temporary stopping point while the blogs to date on this issue are consolidated.

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