
Monday, January 11, 2021

37 days to next deadline! apocalypto 377 Empty victories

Swam 1700 yards today, shortened the warmup to 500 so I could do the cardio portion without being in the pool the extra 10 minutes yesterday.
Covid, being rampant and the number of people being surprisingly large considering how cold it is convinced me to err on the side of a shorter workout and it was tough anyway.
Another friend of mine got covid last week.

My stomach feels better today.

I finally got rid of the immediate deadlines, I now have a 37 day window, not that there are not other deadlines in the interim.

I am frustrated because I am being sidelined unfairly.  Believe it is as unfair as it can be.  Today it got to be a little too much for me so I had to say something; but its unlikely to help much.  I'm in a terrible economic pinch and I don't see things getting better soon enough unless I take chances which I'm not likely to take.  It won't eliminate next steps; but it will certainly reduce them.  Things could still change, I just don't see it happening in time and not with what's out there.

Then, of course, there is the outright corruption, I've taken concrete steps on that also, nothing I can write about.

I'm sleeping terribly.  up at 2 this morning for over an hour, then slept till 6.  It's only 645 and I'd like to go to sleep right now.  Best not too, even though my eyes hurt and I could go to sleep.  Have to consider the depression angle of all of this, not let it get away from me.

There are several posts from 5/13/13 so its time to get rid of them.

Solve the secrets of the universe
the fundamental nature of matter
solve your financial problems
give everything you have to others
if you don't have love
it will mean nothing
life has little meaning to projections
that thrive on the need for someone
and all the victories ring hollow
when you turn over at night
and the one you reach for
is no longer there
We must be obsessed
with love and longings
when the only true vacuum
is in the heart
that has lost love
and filled with longings

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