
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

day 0, 5 apocalypto 372

5 am, I have been up for an hour.
The last of the elections sort of ended last night except for the counting which continues.
Yesterday I surprised myself.  Forced to get out of the house and to exhaust these emotions which will not let me sleep, this sense of useless regrets and longing, i went to the gym and got there at 5 pm, right when they reopened after between session cleaning and swam 2200 yards, 1200 im; there was nothing fast or impressive in it; but I did it and feel better for it; considering the alternative which was either yoga again or nothing.
I had found a 40 minute yoga workout I planned to do; perhaps today.
I find a lot of posts I prefer to ones like this; but at times like this where i am restless and uncertain about the future; where nothing seems to be going right, it is easiest to just take whatever comes next and deal with it.

Well today turned into a weird day.  There was a metaphorical burning down of the Reichstag.  I predicted this in an earlier post, btw; at least on facebook.  It eclipsed the democratic majority sea change in congress.
The president of the united states had his social media shut down.  I actually wanted to hear a speech by the majority leader of the Senate.

All of that was a bit overwhelming, and a cousin of mine blew her brains out with a gun.
I didn't do anything but a walk and some weights today; but its been a weird day.
Interestingly, the post from 5/10/13 was entitled: "why is good and evil implicit in e-hologram theory," and today was a day full of good and evil.

There is a lot more to say, perhaps I will edit this post later, but its been a strange day and tomorrow will be a very busy day.

not only must a good physical model come from theory, but an explanation on the human level is important.
evolution and human conduct must have some foundation in fundamental particle theory (See the foundation series by Issac Asimov for a fictional treatment).

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