
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Real time virus stuff

There is a lot to unravel today.
I rode my bike to my office today, then as the afternoon was coming on, an email came out saying if I brought my card i could get the first covid shot.  Turned out to be Moderna; but it didn't matter, it was a chance after having covid in the family, being a vaccine scavenger and a plethra of people around me get sick and some of them die to get whatever protection that included.
The plan was to do an easy ride; but I only had two hours and I figured, correctly, they'd run out of vaccine before everyoen with the same card was vaccinated.  So I rode hard, not too hard, but consistent.  Jumped in the car where I had a t-shirt that i was to change into before I got out of the car, it was cold so I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and a coat even though the sun was warm.
The drive was a lot, exited the interstate and had no trouble spotting the line which moved fast, they had it set up, but before I'd been in the line a few minutes it stretched out behind me despite the fact I'd had to ride from my office then drive downtown.
It was a good venue, when I finally parked, went inside, down the stairs, finished filling out the form they'd given me after seeing my card in the car and the scare that the running out of vaccines included me I sat down with a competent nurse/shotgiver who said she'd given more than 700 shots that day and looked out over the river while the shot was given to distract myself and it was not painful and is only a little sore now.
There was a lot of talk about waiting, I did not wait the full 15 minutes, for reactions and what to do if something came up later, but I haven't noticed any symptoms except maybe for a short period of time my lips were numb.
Its later now and I was up at 4:30 this morning so I'm going to finish this tomorrow and we'll see what it means.
Last night the area of the shot was sore, sore enough to wake me up.  Interesting it wasn't a real problem till later.
This morning I watched Real Time with Bill Maher (ep 553 s19e3) which had, after the monolog, two virologists who gave a fascinating discussion on vaccines and were pretty specific and candid that the virus came out of a lab (90% chance) and these people were not nut jobs.
This is important enough to be worth sharing, so
I'll be back...

This is the D-day post, maybe the second one?, from 2013.

june 7, 2013-3 decades of love
What would I not give up
that is more pain then gain
is there some connection
that exists between certain people
or is love just a chemical

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