
Monday, April 18, 2022


 Spent much of Sunday evening researching for a book which I don't care about but has an important mathematics history. It is oddly haunting. It rained constantly reflecting my mood which is one of guilty frustration given my good fortune of late and the important things that are unfairly within and without of my reach.

I swam this afternoon which has left me dead to the world, it is cold again.  In lieu of weight lifting I did a heavy brushing of the pool and then shocked it to deal with the effects of the rain and the brushing.   It was clear, but greenish.

I saw no intensity minutes today, even the category was missing. It is not as hard doing fly tied to the pool but it's intense especially the cold. 

I did no cleaning at work today at all which puts me behind, but I did unload some necessary supplies so perhaps the purchases offset it a bit.  One of the purchases, electric guitar strings.

I haven't weighed myself in a while.  Intended to do it this morning, but was distracted.  i'm not that hungry, my stomach is acting up, but I figure once I get started I will probably eat enough and I had a friend take me out to a lunch where, at last, I got the liver I had been wanting and it was delicious as long as I don't think about it too much.  Probably eating meat, a rarity, is the reason my stomach is asking me what's going on.

I've rehydrated quite a bit.  Got mediocre news, something I didn't like, but i didn't hate it either.  It gives me something to think about and tells me that shortcuts are few and far between.  I need marketing help and I need for one of those pesky grants to come through and it appears that the time frame for those is further off than I'd like.

I did get some glowing third party reviews which helps ease the pain of being told to work more and then come back.  The revenge lies in successfully testing at one of the two labs (it could be 3) lined up and having those results make this a required and licensed thing so that I could bemoan what could have been with the maximum amount of false sincerity.  I may not be a very good person.

But then these are perilous times for everyone.

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