
Sunday, April 10, 2022

name for the day

 Algorithm (and algebra) are  eponyms associated with our name for the day, Muhammad ibn  Musa al Khwarizmi

900 years he wrote a book interpreting even earlier Hindu mathematics entitled 'concerning the Hindu art of reckoning" and now you know what to buy me for Christmas (Ramadan?).  The original, I can probably download a copy for free on amazon. I believe he was born 789AD in the Uzbekistan city of  Khwarizmi (hence the al part), and became  director of house of wisdom in Iraq. 

He came up with the number system that replaced roman numerals and which in an only slightly modified version we use today and algoritmi, now algorithm and algebra are the anglicization of his name maybe in the case of algorithms and based on a book he wrote, al jabar, for algebra almost certainly.  Need to be careful on the facts here, a little more digging may be required.

Important to note that we are back to Hindu math, just as Fibonacci brought back middle eastern math which may well have been Hindu math, maybe even this very al jabar and therein lies the mystery which brings us to the picture of original swastika with its origin theory. which shows nothing about Fibonacci per se, but maybe it is there anyway.

Algebra stands for complex problems broke into simpler parts for solution later step by step rules to solve a problem.

That is your history and math lesson for today.

I rode 14 miles, drifting on the dreamy thoughts of you which is not fair to either of us, but is perhaps necessary to get anywhere, it certainly helped with the bike ride.  I had my own share of work, now thankfully behind me.  I am not dealing with the massive caffeine overdose of yesterday so I am quickly winding down.  It's still pretty early to talk like that.

I've calendared a lot for next week, particularly Monday and a class is going forward which has bi-weekly aspects and another that I have to calendar I think; maybe putting all of these in one place?  I am one dawn from reliving those nightmares about waking up with a test where I haven't gone to class all year and one nap from finding myself naked getting ready to take the test.  These things reflect progress, however.

There is so much to say, to look forward to, to prepare for, to miss.

That drawing is for you.

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