
Thursday, January 13, 2022

day 13

The day started badly.  

It is 420 and I've been awake for an hour. Dreams about being in some bizarre version of the revolutionary War interrupted by the watering bowl going dry, like an alarm. Was impossible to re sleep but because this is a repeat I ended with almost 7 hours of sleep which is enough. My biorhythms are shot but glad for the watch confirmation.  I would be more anxious without it.

Making things worse a cat was missing although this early in the morning its too early to be overly worried.  My own situation makes me conscious of the dangers. The cat has appeared, that is a relief, although this is an edit an hour and half later.

It was an inauspicious start to the day, but today is a good day; for today is the first day when the new listing can be put into place.

I've decided to do the unthinkable and get note down with savings instead of waiting for the sale.  This will largely equate 2 numbers and may make me rethink the foreign filings.  There is still time but nothing on the immediate horizon is likely to change even though it should. Having lower numbers will help my mind and it is the only real choice given contingency, events and failures and that I can do this and still have a cushion of sorts is to be thankful for. 

I'll have to make it up and almost half could come from not doing foreign filings and all from the re sale this year or the ever illusive grant. 

I don't like abandoning foreign patents but they continued to be early on most issues and there remain months to decide.  I don't like reducing my cushion but I've shown I can live on what I have without raiding it for the moment and I continually have to remind myself how bad things could have gone. 

Choice abandoning one path for another it is difficult. 

Once done even the minimum sale will eliminate the last of the dark times of the past. I cannot retire or relax but I won't suffer right away either. 

My mind is cloudy, but I should be able to get a days work in.  Will I be able to swim?  That remains to be seen.

The evening is far advanced. 2200 yards and change swimming, over 1000 im.  I feel better, angry with you or with me about you.   Managed to do fair but not great with the work, tomorrow will require a great amount from me as will the weekend.  The other swimmers finished before me, the lifeguard was watching me whenever my breathing brought her in sight but i could not tell if it was interestor frustration that I  was keeping her out that caused it but I swam as fast as possible in case of either.

The swimming was good, invigorating, necessary but almost all of my movement today,  i saw just enough of the beautiful weather to know what we were missing although I assume you took full advantage of it with whoever.

I may edit this post, i had too much sleepless anxiety when I wrote it, best i use the next round to edit it.  It is early and I need to to begin winding down.

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