
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Day 29-the rules are hard to follow, but I think I understand

It is the afternoon, so I'm writing this a little backwards.  I walked over 4 miles but received under 30 intensity minutes which is strange since my watch is usually overly generous.  I'm three times the weekly goal, so it doesn't matter so much but its a little inexplicable.

I am pretty far from a tough goal for today, to finish both documents, maybe drawings at least in paper form.  I have spent some time with the claims this morning, and here at the last minute added some clarity to the concept of magnetism.  It was also a weird solution, the rules of this place are hard to understand. 

Fortunately, the claims are the same for both.  Got sort of weird lucky, suggesting the old machine print the claims and turns out it had a paper tray with a4, go figure.  At 16/extra page at starting at 35 plus the drawings, that part does not worry me too much for the short document.  I am counting on 15 extra max; but its a relatively small number and the concept is to just drive a stake in the ground. IP is where the new program starts; i should be able to give some insight there.  Where will I be, that is the big question.  I need to do the next step in the mail process; I wish I could sell that property faster, but I suppose I have to be ready to wait a year or two; maybe forever.

I made myself stay up and slept a little later, till 5:30am this morning.  The coffee was particularly good for some reason, perhaps the right proportions, a slight easing of the pressure.

I feel fairly good about exercise this week, you can tell its not quite as good as I would like it to be; today would be a swim day and its pretty cold, but that just means the pool likely wouldn't be crowded, but I walked.  Last swim there were a fair number of people and at the end while I still had a lane to myself, there was someone one lane over which i have tried to avoid, covid/omicron.

Life may or may not get a lot more interesting.  right now I feel like the weirder parts of me are being ignored; you are not the only one who sees me as dead.  The next month is going to require a finish to multiple grants so it will not be slow.   On the bright side, the work I am finishing this weekend is the same work that will focused the rest of the month. I put together the first draft of the internal press release.

AuT, the science of CWI, has been accepted into the government/DOE sponsored program.  The program is geared to advances like this one and I hope there was a fairly rigorous review of  the science before the invitation was extended, I am testing the limits of that review.  The program not only provides training and guidance in all phases of go to market, but it provides resources and is a pathway into the National Lab system.  

In terms of the science, the focus over the past 4 months has been on electromagnetism and apparently one of the grant loi(s) prepared in connection with that has been found to be responsive; although the issues with the other 3 could be because of the limited space in an LOI.  In practical terms, this is something of getting back to the roots of the science, starting with a fairly pure physics, taking a radical, unexpected and deep transition into chemistry which lasted for a year, short forays into geology and practical application development (the perenial target) and now moving back into the more fundamental sciences with a focus on how to improve results over a wide range of areas where electromagnetic phenomena play a role, storage (batteries primarily), generation, and for the first time some focus on transmission.

The third edition of the NPTE has been ignored except to make the more obvious corrections; but the newer patents which are the subject of the weekend, include disclosure that will be easy to transfer to the grants.  Another goal is to get a class and turn the third edition into a text book suitable for classrooms and organized in that fashion which assumes a lot of success, but logically follows what is happening in terms of the increasing recognition of the model which has not gone mainstream, but is one step closer.

It isn't all good news.  I did not get an interview with the last direct program, perhaps this blog may play a role in those types of decisions; but accepting where I am and what I'm saying I think keeping the history of events from my perspective, dare I say ours, is more important than catering to the snobs, pc police, and others who are not quite as far in the stream of universal consciousness as I am.  It would, of course, be much worse if I was not in another program and I understand that acceptance is probably due as much to the desperation of a new program to snag onto something of potential, but not fully accepted science compared to the other programs that have more money and probably more applicants.  Again, I am thankful not just for the willingness to take a chance by CG, but that the universe threw me a bone which I need occasionally to keep going.

Very soon I should find out what happens next.  I am waiting for a roadmap that hasn't come yet.  Isn't that life?

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