
Monday, December 21, 2020

day 379 of the apocalypse continued

 So I did a bit of bike riding and fought with an electronic device for an hour without success.  I fixed it after a fashion this, the next day.  Twice I needed it today and it failed both times.  I suppose I'll hope it gets better and suck it up.

Technology can be great, but it is also terrible in its unreliability.

Still no word last tonight.  Is it the last day plus 1 if it falls on a weekend?  I looked up the status, something which caused me great suspense.

It took time to build up the nerve to do something as silly as figuring the process out and then checking.  My stomach was in knots.  It is still in knots.  It is not that it is everything that hasn't happened yet, everything that will and will not happen, it is the tremendous weight that I feel every doay to do something, to change everything.

"pending" was the only word, so I sent another update to the examiner and expressed my hope that we'd have some answer soon.  It lists today as the range date of the status, but that may just be how the display on the website works...

Pending is an interesting world.  The response to you is pending; it seems like my life is pending.  I have an appointment with a counselor pending and it seems as far off as I could imagine anything pending can be although it is not a long time.  I am so ready for life not to be pending, to get out of this hell that I'm in, but I'm still here.

The once in 800 year confluence of stars makes me think of the opening scene of day of the triffids but the stars will still be there after the confluence is gone and wherever we are we can always watch them together if we stop pending life and start living it.  But where was I...

The auto-reply to the email I sent said 1/4/21 before the examiner would return from leave.  What does that mean in terms of a decision, I wonder?

I thought of something, but what is it?  It seemed relatively important, something to do with the idea that things were not quite finished being thought out.

It was crying when I arrived home, so I am sitting with that crazy cat, it cuddles then bites hard enough to hurt the bones under the skin leaving a pattern of the canines.  It is crazy and half tame; it needs attention and someone to hold it even though it cannot abide what it needs.

I've got this thing I've been trying.  since I can only do a few pullups with my body weight at a time, I've started stopping by a pull up bar as much as I can through the day.  Does this help anything?  I don't know; but if I can start doing 10 at a time over a period of time then it would be something.

It's not enough, wasn't as hard as a 40 minute yoga workout.  I don't have the energy tonight to do a 40 minute yoga workout and I'm a little afraid to do it with the cat.

I looked at these articles, the first is significant, what I'd call a different and expected different net gravity and supportive, I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the second.

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