
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

day 359 0f the apocalypse 25 days to christmas and 32 days to 2021 counter

I could add two weeks-1 day until the election becomes official.  It is amazing how much nonsense remains in the news.

 It was a good day for getting work out and also figuring out what needed to be done.

That being said, things are quiet on many levels and there is no reason to expect anything to happen between now and the end of the year that isn't already underway.

I did another one of those 30 minutes of torture yoga sessions after I came home yesterday, not really much exercise.  I finally have my first counseling session, but its in January, so it is both too far away for any immediate good and far enough away that it doesn't affect the work I have to do.

The weather turned very cold today and brought the realities of winter, too cold to easily ride; not a problem on weekends, but it gets dark very early on weekdays, today was windy and cold.

It also brings home the reality of you not being here.  It is hard to get my hands around a life without you in it.  I only miss being together, not as much anything else.  Fortunately, I have so much going on now, I am barely keeping it together.  I am worried about the outcome of the various issues that are coming up, so worried that it eclipses much of my concern about you.

The continued constitutional crisis seems to be preventing me from getting the information I am looking for before beginning the big claims that I have; while I badly need to pursue the latest project at least in a limited group of countries, I'm not sure if I can do it without a imminent grant or relief from that litigation.   I'm one document from one other person from being able to file and finish the easy one.

I submitted an application loi, but I've already had some ideas on that which make me wish I'd waited, but its a new science and small changes are sure to come up.  How anyone could fail to see what is going on is beyond me.

I like to think you look for these emails as much as I want to send them, but then I wonder if that would be good or healthy.  It is because I don't give up in the future.

I rode today and did some minor weights using my body as the weight on the bars at one extreme of the ride.  It was cold, especially on the ride back.

The world is cold and lonely tonight and the end of the rainbow seems far, far away.

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