
Wednesday, March 16, 2022


 why on earth would i want to reach out, its not like this goes to the most important person in the world to me, right? And with this useless information?  I have some time to ponder this, at last.  You have no idea how much I needed to be finished with this.

Today, and before 2, I filed the document which has largely consumed me for several months.  It is perhaps 60% of what i am capable of which if it were 100% is 40% of what it needs to be; but it was time sensitive and i had to place this stake in the ground to secure this time for this moment and now i can breath, even as I know i will think of things which need to go there but which are not and to see that things which should have been a part of it somehow were not, but it is done and I will take a break from it and look at the other things which need to be done and..breath, just take a few deep breaths and maybe think on what needs to happen now that i am not trapped in this nomans land of intellectual inquiry and financial planning for the future where it could probably not be pursued at all and i would be happier, maybe everyone would be.

Oh and while driving to the gym (getting ready for the congratulatory swim) the disaster alert warning went off.  Not cool right now, those sirens are a little too much given what is happening.

My inner ear thing has gone off in a big way, earlier I was worried about losing function, i wolfed down something lunch which is like lead in my stomach but i was not sure how long this thing would take after basically working on it for the last 86 hours without any letup attempting to get everything where it would be at that 40 percent mark and where it could be filed even if it were not perfect and it took less time than i feared and it is done now, for better or worse, and i am going swimming.

So now I'm alone so I can sit naked on the deck and soak up some sun. Not a pretty site but how I miss you with the spring sunshine.  No good news just more work to do shifting back to grants. I did see some progress on peace with Europe so that's something to look forward to. 
Had to save the 8250 thing, it's gone with midnight but I'm celebrating and the swim left me mellow but melancholy and wanting to share this. 

Turned out to be a busy work day except for the swim.

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