
Sunday, July 24, 2022

 Spent the morning working on theory and grant.  Next Thursday I hope to enlist more techincal support and I have to get a substantial amount of work done first.  In the interim, I hope to get things finished enough to show to the AF and as I continue in the modeling I know that I need to file something and move on to finishing the book.

After thursday I have to shift somewhat to dealing with claims.  This stuff is very complex and is coming sooner than I wanted.  A dozen articles to read, some appear to be lost, but may be found easily.

Venus calm wind and electromagnetic exploration reconciled with modeling of something to deal with the background information on heat and cold.

There is a lot more to do yet, the right angle thing is at least partially confirmed.  Swimming is next on the agenda, little chance of rain this morning and everything is plenty war, the chlorine and ph levels are ok, probably both could use to be a little higher.  Controlling the clarity of the water has been surprisingly easy despite the high temperatures and rain; but no so much with the black algae growth on the walls which is completely out of hand right now and means that after the summer swimming season ends it will have to be dealt with although the sale continues to linger in the background.

Hwy 90 also continues to linger.  For sale by owner signs may be in the future, I do not know. Need to talk to the politicians about that since they have provided a platform.

I finally got around to making brocolli cheddar soup.  I would call it a limited succcess. It was not perfect, but I was really close and the pain problem was not with taste, but texture which might well have been associated with cheese or whole milk issues.  A limited difference might have come from using chicken and not vegetable broth.

My stomach is ok with it, that is what matters today.

I am dealing with a dozen technical issues and 4 different immediate grants and no telling how many others, all with different levels of already having been done enough attached and a book to edit and publish and the patent which never stops.

With all i have to do i shopped for the replacement computer.  There is a lot  to take in but i got some good info and eventually this week or next i will have to bite the proverbial bullet, but there is a reason to wait for now.

I am watching they shoot horses dont they on you tube.  It is an interesting bit.  I thought i had seen it before, but aparently not.  It it not a bad period piece.  If I knew the time frame i would check to see what 1500 dollars back then was worth today so i would have some perspective.  No special effects, not grand sets or backdrop, just a simple story of desperate people with real personalities and good, old fashioned camera and lighting work.

I was told it was depressing and I suppose it is a story of exploitation on so many levels;  maybe it is more about desperation in a modern world; and perhaps exploitation requires dsperation.  It is a thin line between humanity and barbarianism; we see it everywhere we look.

If I am right and the world ever catches up with me, my autobiography will be a hot mess; an unbelievable hot mess just like the movie but different; not the grand lives of the others, just a hot mess.  Maybe it could have been different, but in truth, I would have to go back to when i was 10 years old to fix everything that went wrong.

It's Sunday evening. I made up for shortcomings in other days by doing 158 im today including 1500 yds swimming between storms with all the ims.  I'm tired but no problems now.  Next week will be full and will end with important meetings and calls.   I have started with calendy but not sure if I'll subscribe. July should not end quietly but I have plenty to do.

There is aloneness to this thing and I'm reading about those who went before and I don't fit in with the lofty and I  am too old for this alone.

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