
Thursday, July 28, 2022


 The new device did not work, so it is on to the next version.  Not sure about this monitor, have to make monitor choices here.  The real problem is that it is less about the monitor and more about the eyes looking at it.

It's official, I haven't ridden my bike in a week, essentially since I had the flat last Thursday. 

It's cooling off, a storm is coming up from the south. Having a difficult time staying on task.  While a minor setback the inability to use all the screens together is a nuisance.

Swam 2000 yrds, nothing to write home about.  Found out today that they ignored the rehearing on the doe grant, maintaining the bullshit that it was based on dubious science.  Morons rejected it without even sending it to reviewers who could understand the science.  I do consider a pI art of this to due to poor drafting.

I have filed around 5 essentially identical grants, one of which is the long term research grant requested which is pending.  The other 4 were various ways of claiming a new way of categorizing information.  One more will be filed this go round (they're looking for it) but this time with some technical drafting assistance. On the bright side, it is largely drafted. On the dark side,it does not have the software part well developed.

The patent editing is a little better with a focus on just finishing one section at a time and not developing it more than absolutely necessary.  I am thinking of an 8/15/22 deadline, but no use setting one yet, it is just provisional work on top of that already filed and the real work is yet a year off.  I'll be editing it in front of the tv tonight, i have become my father.

I am a little over a week from the next interview.  I will have to spend some time next week getting ready, but I have plenty to do right now.

I need you to buy the lottery tickets with our birthdays since I don't see going to buy any myself.  If you win you don't have to share it, you can flaunt it at me or whatever it is that you would want to do.  I suppose nothing.

It will be interesting to see what the future holds in a world where random people can become billionaires from the lottery while others starve.  It depresses me.  Things have changed and everything about you depresses me.  What happened to the future?

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