
Friday, July 8, 2022


 The novel length posts are a way to avoid the press of work.  It is 430am.  I slept well till 4 but there was no use trying to go back to sleep when i woke up.  I am outside again, still dark, but with signs of dawn in the sky, i sprayed the back yard with amonia so i could let the cats out.

it is so humid outside my screen is covered with condensation. That hairline crack had best be in the screenprotector.

After allthe exercise yesterday, i was almost asleep by 230, but i forced myself up because i had too much to do.

It has been a hard year since you left me.  You were supposed to be the reward for abandoning my other life for this science project which weighs so heavily on me and seems to accomplish so little other than to destroy the magic of the universe i grew up with and explain stupidity of men with such precision.

It has devolved into that, how do I save the world all by myself, how do I sleep at night knowing you will never be beside me again. Obviously, the answer is that I don't.

Those solar picnic tables a few posts back, the idea for you, are charging stations. I thought they might have fans in them, also a good idea but it would be harder for them to fold down.

I  am overwhelmed by the responsibility this science carries with it. I would explode if I couldn't talk to you and I can't so I carry out this insane one way conversation that gets me nowhere. I have much to do yet, it never gets smaller or finishes it just grows bigger and more complex, the hydra.

Funny graphic (ww2 Maus tank).  (the commentary comes from the writer, not me).

Big enough that you could fit a strip club in. That’s for sure.

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