
Sunday, August 21, 2022


 This month flies by.  i went outside to chase away coyotes and stubbed my toe pretty badly on cobblestones this morning; came in washed it with soap and water and made a makeshift bandage from a paper towel which it bled through.

Perhaps today will be that day when I finally cannot workout.  Of course yesterday evening i bit my tongue badly and today i can feel almost nothing and barely remember it.

Whatever does or doesn't happen there i slept better again, almost still 6.  I think it is having that patent filed although i am already making changes, eddies in the current, which will be important as i get closer to something i want to work with.

I thought quite a bit about the unwillingness to look beyond plasma confinement, the idiocy of trying the same thing over and over again.

In the same vein i have been looking at the loi as taking the existing primary framework of knowledge presented in that framework and doing an AI type conversion to fractal as part of categorization and back again.  It is stupid, but perhaps not so stupid since the ability to use empirical data and knowledge is important and that still far surpasses new fractal science.

I will likely clean up the presentation and video on relativity but i am glad i did it because that too would have kept me awake. Paperwork looms ahead of me, but i know what I need to do.

In 1974 ORNL (oak ridge) did a study showing the minimum cost for a toka-type reactor was at 65 million.

I have been aggressively maintaining the ph in the pool, marveling at what a difference this makes as opposed to other chemicals as I always do.  This will not help with the pool sides which are beyond anything other than sanding; but the water quality and speed of spread is slowed down and while far away winter is coming.

It is good to have a short video on the science behind this project, and a business presentation however good or bad that will end up.  I have a direction to go in.

Fun fact, 4 days to the doctor appointment which is step 1 towards dealing with this hernia issue.  8 days for the LOI.

what is next for the day?

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