
Saturday, August 6, 2022


 Good morning.

Ok, I am thinking inguinal hernia.  That checks a lot of boxes and is relatively easy to postures that you can try to treat the inguinal hernia are-Sarvangasana 131; Matsyasana 125; Utthanpadasana 75? 68?; Pawanmuktasana;

 Paschimottanasana 103; Vajrasana (p94).

Some of the exercises that can strengthen the abdominal muscles are--Inclined leg lifts-Inclined cycling exercise-Pillow squeezes for strengthening the muscles-Mini crunches for the abdominal wall-Pool exercises

An interesting list which makes no sense to me. 

I dont see this as very serious yet, but if its a thing, exercise treatment seems to be the place to start.  I am mindful that smaller means easier to repair.  I put a library book on hold at the local branch, have no idea what most of those poses are.  I dont think there are any real non surgical treatments, but i know that small conditions are watched, not treated and the medical community tends to ignore things that dont involve cutting and i exercise hard, but targeting exercises and this check up i have set up creates a timing alignment where there is enough time to see if the exercises will help before headed down that road.

Of course there is no easy fix here.  I have time for this and time for this means that I can test the remedial options first even though I think it is a dead end and get a little yoga in in case there is not problem at all here.

I think I need another charger given this short charge time, this is used as a desktop unit and that i how it works.   There is a battery saving mode I tried out.  I was not impressed, although much of the charge was gone before I attempted it.  I have my pad for long term solutions although it is not good for serious edits.

Yesterday I made a lot of progress on this epa thing which is going nowhere, but it is a chance to get ready for the usgs next year (missed this year i think) and for this new wave of environmental fundings.  It also gives some foundation to the AF which is likely going nowhere, but is a good story.  I hoped to get news from Mississippi although I can see where that is going to have a hard time going anywhere. 

Yesterday was also a surprisingly big science day.  I have this broad improvement and much to do.

The Chinese Taiwan thing concerns me.  I wrote two books on this more than 10 years ago and I saw this as having arrived 10 years ago and it is so much worse now.  We had a chance to do something then, what chance do we have now with supersonic missiles and people who are so programmed and set on world domination.   Is there no way to save things?  Are my efforts truely wassted here?  Why do i have to know how pointless things are?

It gets really quiet.  It causes me grief at a level which is either too much to bear or just confusing.  Does hearing make it better or worse, I wonder.  I walked 2.5 mi. today and got no im for it.  I have swimming on the list, but whether I do that or not is anyones guess.

It is only 200 but it feels like 7.

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