
Monday, May 30, 2022


 It is still 5.29.22 but i will be optimistic and imagine i will make it till tomorrow.

After walking the dog i rode 8 miles to the gym and back and did full sets of weights although i had to do the pullups without assistance for 3 sets of 4 because of crowd issues (one person who just hung out by the machine as i went from place to place, but that is probably just as well.

With walking the dog, i ended up with a little over 140 intensity minutes for the day which is a weeks worth and i am tired.  It is cloudy and a little cool.

I made substantial progress with a little help from the universe in my designs although I still have some ways to go and i am uncertain about certain aspects of the design but i did find an interesting and novel way to incorporate my prior work.  The new design has enough variations to make it hard to include.

Tomorrow (which will be today if you read this when it is published) i will be trying to put finishing touches of drafts which i will by no means be able to finish.

My back has taken some punishment with all of this and i probably should round out the day with a set or two of just in case back stretches, we will see how that goes.

Well, there i did them and now i am back.  Just being careful but it is very nice to stretch them once you get in the swin of it and the pool llooks perfect although i replaced some tabs, i did not check the chemicals, but I should be on top of things based on the last time i checked, the lack of rain since then and the replenishment of the tabs.

i do think it time to table everything else till tommorrow

5.30.22 Here for real now.  I was supposed to be up at 5 but when i closed my eyes at 3 am it was almost 6 when i opened them.  i am outside where it is warm and sunny, no clouds and the sunlight is lighting the tops of the trees in a pleasant, not overwhelming way.

After all the exercise yesterday, you would correctly think the right thing to do would be to be hyper healthy, but i exercise so i can eat which is wrong and for another more important reason which makes absolutely no sense, and i ate a cinnamon roll for breakfast without enough coffee which was, respectively, delicious and disappointing but it is done in both cases although i am still drinking my coffee wondering what i want to have happen next.

It is going to be a good day to swim, already hot and muggy although i have on heavy clothes because somehow there is a chill in the air, probably from being in air conditioning.  they have  begun spraying for mosquitos which ipresume means the butterfly and honey bee populations will go to shit which is stupid, with short and long term consequences which are poorly thought out although i do not understand why mosquitos have to be whatever it is that they are.  I think killing the bees and butterflies is a poor way to deal with the problem irregardless.

I was told that (in response to the 26 plus inches of rain so far here) that colorado (sw) was in a 1200 year old record drought (how on earth do they know what happened more than 200 years  back?  Indian records?  tree rings? which is a reason this place as terrible as it is in some ways with its mosquitos (bad mosquitos in colorado too, but somehow not as venemous) has something to say for itself because we were short of rain, but we have made it up now.

I am not going  anywhere with this, just reaching out to grasp at things that i need but that are not there so i will come back later.

It's 11, I finished swimming about an hour ago and came back to work on the patent, just reorganizing things and got a little carried away and lost an hour.

In the pool, surprisingly cold this early and it took 300-400 yards to warm up enough to be comfortable, i managed to do 2000 yds, no more, no extra im; but the weight lifting didn't make me too tight although I felt less than good.  At one point I thought to myself how much I'd like to go to the graves of my parents and cry for being such a f*k up and having made all the wrong decisions and being alone; but now I am a lot more tired and while that still sounds like a good idea, apologizing to the dead; my science says the apology is wasted and there is no one there to apologize to...or does it?  That's a question for another day, past or future.

i know this was posted similarly earlier but now it shows a 40-60% chance of development so here it is again.  New Mexico and Colorado need it so I hope it figures a way out to go there.
I may come back later, but I have a lot of writing to do today and just between you and me, I don't get much feedback here.

This is what I was talking about @

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