
Thursday, June 16, 2022


 I just walked back inside.  it is 5am even though i had breakfast and fed the cats.  i could walk the dog while it was still cool, but he sleeps through the predawn areas.

i have my coffee instead.

it is full dark outside, no hint of dawn, no moon, but it was still fairly light, the difference of being in the city.

i apparently snore too loud to have company at night, you do too btw.  i miss that. Especially now,  I have not given up on my project. Two grants are out there, the book is finished and i am talking about marketing and editing even though i can afford it with different people, three grants were just filed, all 3 on point after a fashion, i solved the magnetic repulsion problem; the first patent is being examined, i have a little time.   i have not been formally rejected from the labs, although i dont know why i hold onto hope there.  i have a solution to global warming, at least maybe.  you would think from a distance everything was fine.  maybe it is and it is just this thing with you or without you that ruins everything else.  what is there to look forward to?  The spanish have an extra question mark, it is inconvenient.

It did not rain yesterday, the pool is marginal for another day or two, balanced and clear probably for the next week and my radar shows a chance of rain right now in a very limited way that may be some radar blip or some storm that stops and goes before it gets here or skims my without leaving any rain. it is a strange time of year.  i am obsessed with things, obviously.

I am going to publish this while it is dark and cool outsid and i will come back later, perhaps because i am desperate to reach out even though i cannot.

I am back.  it is 6am.  ive started a level 102 physics course online which so far has added nothing.  this is noteworthy, because before it would have raised questions at this early stage, but it will take longer if it does anything at all.  there are still questions about the details of absorption and spew which need to be answered, how they are channeled, but i noted on the course it was still, electrons repel because they have the same charge and not the detailed reason that occurs and the underpinnings of quantum change that powers all forces.  These remain the domain of AuT where i dwell largely alone.

I need to write an update letter and return to this whole grant thing.

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