
Friday, June 17, 2022


 Yesterday I could have done without I am beset with setbacks.  Leep was always a longshot, but I wanted to at least have the chance to pitch particularly given a fairly stellar review from the scientists there.  I feel like my connections in nm have let me down.  I am rethinking going out there which is a little stupid given how big of a stretch things were.

Then the case i have been working on for 6 months gets filed by someone else (250b) and the group that i finally got to start on it is bragging about a bus case they settled.  Dead or dying.

I never heard on my case  where i was hoping for some help and finally in a state of frustration wrote a letter saying if i dont hear today to treat it as a cease and desist letter so i could find someone responsive (two emails and a call not returned on top of delays far past those we discussed).  I dont know what else went wrong, but and this may be good in the long run, i was told i needed to refile a longer document with more corrections in the matter i thought i had finally put to rest yesterday.

I could not go to sleep, small wonder.

It is a day to take a deep breath and say at least i have my health.

Yesterday I rode my bike to work and swam after that (1500 yards, but 1000 im meaning a very minimal warmup).  I also walked in the evening heat over two miles, but as I said, I was very upset.  It took a lot out of me but i  still could not sleep and it is not yet 5am and i have given up sleep.

I have none of the things which I can lean on before, so I just have to toughen up and continue forward.

Probably closer and not farther from selling the house (worst time to do it financially) but its a thing.

This was vandalized by someone who paid a homeless guy to paint it black this week, but within a few days it returned to its very colorful state that you see here.  This is a gay pride thing.  this canon has more coats of paint then anything else in the world, its probably really a tiny little cannon with many coats of paint.  I wonder if that is not a metaphor for us.

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