
Sunday, February 23, 2014

1.875 The Bible, Non linear time theory and Zeno 1.875 of 2: The mono-rail against the physics menace

Fear not, despite the digressions we we soon get to the end of these prevarications and  diversions and start at the beginning, Genesis as it were and Hologram theory.  It having be writ, if not by me already, than in the firmament of the eternal where linear time does not exist and everything, including my writing and your reading happens at once.
As those of you who follow this extraordinarily old and new theory of physics know I have a tendency to denounce, nay rail against traditional physicists because they denied my offer to present my theories at the Cern and Stanford.  Well, They didn't deny me anything, they didn't respond at all.  And I don't really rail, I only chide in jest, so perhaps I mono-rail against them.
But justice shall be mine, and ancient Greece avenged (at last), for my next undertaking after this series is complete, subject to digression of course, will be the presentation of the father of all hologram theories.  I will, in effect bring the big, if ancient, guns to bear.  Nay, I will bring the entire Greek Pantheon down on those who not only deny me, but even Zeno of Elea (or wherever he was from)!
That's right Steve (and I assume I cannot call you Steve).  You and your physics cabal will eventually be drawn into the arena of non-linear time theory and you can only avoid it for so long! 
I will, with the help of that most famous resident of Elea, present the known Paradoxes of Zeno as they related to E-H-T and N-H-T and perhaps one or two of the lost Paradoxes.  Yes, through the miracle of science and amateur archaeology I may, if the muse strikes me just right, present even some of the lost miracles of ancient Greece, live on stage for the first time in 2500 years!  Cowritten by Zeno of Elea and I.
But I digress.

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