
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Can other countries weaponize their economies and what does that mean-Part 1

First, to survive the USA must figure out how to defend against a weaponized economy and achieve a moral enough platform to lead the world in the right direction.  Weapons are about war in the wrong hands and peace in the right ones.
The first step in any defense is offensive capability.
It is likely that the last government to study the weaponization of n economy will be the USA.  Only a focused government can handle this process which is more than tarriffs and wages.  It is also about subterfuge.  Clearly, subterfuge played a critical part in the military victory in WWII, including not just misinformation, but also secrecy in the development of weapons.
It is clear that China is the country which has best mastered this, especially given the fact that even though it is painfully clear in its existence, that the US Government is blissfully unaware of it.  It is unlikely that any other country is aware of it, past those few who have read "China's Weaponized Economy".
Our government is unlikely to ever realize it, blaming their problems internally rather than admit that a country they consider inferior is so much more clever and intelligent than they are.  This is because they are so heavily vested in their own self importance and so fearful of losing their prerogatives, they would sacrifice the country rather than admit they made the type of mistake that would show the weakness of a system without term limits.
I will mention again that the existence of at least an advisory house based on an ancient Greek Style Lottery system is worth considering; it could be paid for by cutting the benefit given to the imperial congress and the hoped for profits that would come from having a congress that did not use gifts (entitlements to different special interest groups) in order to maintain their power.
But even so, we have to consider what happens when other countries weaponize their economies and what we would need to do in order to weaponize ours.  Clearly it can be studied, but we are nowhere close to taking the steps necessary in order to win this battle which we continue to lose.
We will talk about this further in terms of ceding technologies where we started with the simplist, least important ones and where they now extend to the loss of entire automobile companies, and the internal development of wartime industries including a space industry, helicopter industry and the like, all built better than anything we can build now because they are building theirs with technology and money which our incompetent government ceded to them.  Stay tuned for part 2.

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