
Monday, February 17, 2014

Convicted politicians, walmart and china's weaponized economy-one of two
I'm not saying that Nagin is guilty of anything, even though a jury found him guilty on 20 of 21 counts.  I always wonder what was wrong with the 21rst count?  From prior experience it's usually some minor legal point or a lack of evidence and goes a long way towards showing that either the judge or (as often) the jury was looking closely at these things as they should.
The question is "Why are politicians (often) dishonest"?  The answer is because they can be.  People naturally gravitate towards improving their lot and if allowed to do so they will act in this way, even to their detriment down the line.  Nagin must have wondered just how far he could push things before he pushed them too far.  So too must some of our politicians see the growing threat they are creating in China and wondering if they can keep quiet and maybe the problem will go away.
Then there is this ridiculous advertising campaign that Walmart is doing saying they are creating jobs for american when the over centralization which was perfected under Sam Walton's guidance not only created a fertile environment for China to weaponize their economy but has also done more to destroy the corner store environment than any other economic event (followed closely by Amazon and the internet supply chain).  The corner stores which adds so much to our society are being destroyed for the sake of convenience and were it not so much a coincidence, I would say that China had designed Walmart and Amazon to weaponize their economy when what they really did was to take advantage of these separate, for the USA, out of control technologies.
Technologies are not bad, of course, but when let out of control they can be incredibly destructive.  Imagine a world where too many people have nuclear bombs (whoops, that's our world) and you can see this.  While Walmart and Amazon (and similar companies, it's not just them) are destroying our economy to the extent we haven't been destroyed by the Chinese; they are not doing anything inherently evil in a market economy; they merely show what happens when politicians are too corrupt to examine the real issues in favor of making sure that they doll out money to enough special interest groups to keep their jobs and focus on non-government issues to ensure that people vote their passion and not using any form of logic.
The problem is that if we were to outlaw the internet or big box stores, we would be getting rid of the very thing that strenthens our country, our ability to innovate.  This does not mean, however that all innovations should be accepted just because they work in the short term.  This is one of the cornerstones of China's Weaponized Economy, that is that short term, medium term and long term intelligence has to be applied to concepts in order to determine if they are right.  This does not prevent us from building more walmarts, amazons or chinas, it mere means we can look at them logically in order to decide if we should tear them down or let them remain.
This crucial technique for law making and its application to this problem will be the subject of the next entry on this subject.

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