
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weaponized economies and victimized economies

Those of you who will sleep defenseless while your government allows your economy to be ravished by your enemies and China's weaponized economies in particular are unlikely to find much peace in this, but the groundwork has been laid to write a technical treatise on both weaponizing an economy and defending against another utilizing a more technical economic approach.
Also the "fourth branch" of government concept borrowed from the Greeks (thank you very much for the loan) of a lottery based group capable of indicting congressmen and ensuring the application of the short, medium and long term intelligence concepts to any law, not to prevent passage but to allow analysis will be developed further.
This conceptually would involve talking volunteer candidates and a lottery where the candidates would have certain minimum qualifications of age and education, singificant in the former and truely minor in the later since they can't be any more ignorant than the government they will oversee.  Allowing them to penetrate government immunity to allow indictments to issue seems to be a very minimum power to give the people's government, but this will be developed more as time allows and as part of the planned state constitutional convention to ensure what is left of our economy is armored and defended, that is weaponized.
i am currently traveling so more will follow.

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