
Sunday, February 9, 2014

4 Black Holes and space and time as we now know them: A review of non-linear time with some extra stuff-part 4

Now that you've had a time to ponder the question, and while the multi-dimensional string theorists have had time to stew as it were, we'll discuss the visibility of clock time.
First, I want to point out that these physicists have been very unfair to me.  I offered, after all, to present these concepts both at Stanford and the Cern and was not even given the courtesy of a reply!  Imagine the arrogance!  I was going to give them something to actually do with those big super colliders which are otherwise just sitting around, but no.  Imagine if I was given just 5% of the funding of all the other physicists in the world how much time I could dedicate to finishing this theory.  And it's not like my demands (first class accommodations and access to the swimming pool) are so outrageous (I really made no demands).   And that is to be expected.  After all, they might be "afraid" my theory might endanger their work although NLT is really just their theories expressed another way. But the worst thing is the failure to study and incorporate the original work in their writings.  For shame, kicking some 2500 year old Greek philosopher under a rug like that.  Oh that bump?  "That's nothing.  Just a 2500 year old dust bunny." Dust bunny indeed!
Anyway, I mentioned that I was going to show you the possible observation of clock time 2 and that's what I'm going to discuss.
First, remember that Clock time 2 should be visible as a result of time going from space to energy just as clock time 1 is visible as a result of going from energy to matter due to the conservation of coordinate changes which is more than adequately covered previously.  Both space and energy are visible so clock time 2 should be visible.  Further we see space "created" on a daily basis (quantum instant to quantum instant as it were) and may even be seeing energy being converted into space or even non-linear time as a part of that process at the same rate.
"So," you physicists demand, with your first class plane tickets gripped tightly in tight balled fists, where is it!  "We've been staring at our atomic clocks for some time now and have yet to see a single second out of place and yet you dare say that it's right there in front of us, that we even see it every day!!!"
The answer, is that it is the clock time 2 that moves space!  Ahhhh (wait for it) ha!  Yes, space is something weird in General Relativity, but in Non-linear time theory it's just plain old energy with clock time 2 being non-linear.  (you should start to be seeing clock time 3, but you'll have to wait for the next entry if you want me to spoon feed it to you).
We discussed early on in this series that even after they drop out of "space" that we still have those pesky black holes moving with space when space should have stopped with them.  We discussed alternate theories for this, but now we're going to provide an alternative (or additional if you would) element which is that they are moving because despite the fact that clock time 1 has gone to zero-non-linear, clock time 2 which controls the movement of space has not.  That is space has coordinate changes just as energy does and like energy and matter, they can only be seen by a movement of these coordinates.  For this reason when clock time 1 goes to zero (reflecting that these coordinates are not changing relative to clock time 1) they cease to appear in our universe.  But they still move with space so clock time 2 (which may be just a part of clock time 1 as has been said ad nauseum) must still be there and the coordinates change with clock time 2!
This means that it is possible to change one set of time coordinates without affecting the other set of time coordinates and that we may well observe this on a daily basis just by looking at the spinning of space.
Indeed we now must go a little further, but that will be another entry.

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