
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Zeno-Socrates dialogs Chapter 9

Zeno's paradoxes as the predecessor of all hologram theory: The Zeno-Socrates dialogs:
The Zeno-Socrates dialogs
Chapter 9
By Exia, a servant in Zeno's house and future grandmother to Eudoxus of Cnidus.


The following morning dawned overcast and the humidity made it difficult to breath. Parmenides was suffering from gout, but refused offers to seek a continuance. “I will not be delayed in watching Socrates drawn and quartered. It will be worth whatever is done to me, even if I am flayed alive.”
They arrived before Socrates, a crowd had already gathered, defendants, petitioners, witnesses and the mob.

There was a pyramid of human skulls and long bones beside the entrance to the great court of Athens. There were many soldiers around, all with weapons although they had discarded their helmets in respect of the heat.
There were pictures in squares set on a wall before the entrance.  “These are ways to die!” Exclaimed Parmenides examining the pictures.
“What do you mean?” Asked Zeno walking over.
Parmenides pointed to the pictures.  “They showed in their squares different ways to die as if on a menu.  There was a picture of someone burning at a stake, being flayed alive, a hanging, along with crimes for which the Dracon sentences were paired, even a picture of someone being thrown off a wall or out of a window, it was not well drawn.”

Zeno stepped back in horror.  When he did, he notice on the wall at the top a “I” followed by groups of thirty, “XXX,” then “XXX,” going till it wrapped around the wall so that the total number could not be fully counted.  Above the number was the word “Over”, below it “Executed”.  It was an approximate count, admittedly too low, of the number of people who had been executed under the new sentencing guidelines of the man who would judge them.

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