
Monday, February 24, 2014

1.875(+.0625) The Bible, Non linear time theory and Zeno 1.875(+.0625) of 2

We will get to the creation story and Non Linear Time Theory, though it be approached with Zeno's paradox, an apparently infinite series.
You will recall in a previous post on this subject I referred to the transposition of Zora Neal Hurston for Zeno of Elea (something that would have amused both, I am certain) which has nothing to do with this entry other than the fact that Zeno's paradoxes are the predecessors of all hologram theory (both String Hologram Theory and Einstein Hologram Theory) both of which presume different reasons why space is a reflection of (in the case of SHT) a two dimensional representation on the "surface" of a black hole defined at the point at which nothing can escape or (in the case of EHT) a reflection of non linear time which occurs at the same point of reference.  Both wind up with similar "database" type representations of our universe.
Non-linear time takes this coordinate based system a step further by presuming that we may still be non-linear and that we are only "played" by non-linear space going linear in three (at least) clock times which are described in more detail in prior entries, but which need to be re-examined a little for this entry.
The connection between Zeno and "The books" is made even more significant since the oral history probably started before Zeno (almost certainly it is derived from even more ancient histories (Mesopotamian) that existed before Zeno and was further developed as are all natural histories afterwards.  Now, no one knows if any rabbi ever heard of Zeno's paradoxes, much less incorporated them into a creation myth, a very unlikely combination, but that they conceptually spring from the same time periods and on either side allow us to make these wildly unsupported theories which are certainly no more out there than the theories of the major (and minor) religions.
And let's take a moment to deal with the Paradox of Zeno's Paradoxes.  The alleged solutions.  The traditional physics cabal which takes sole credit (after all I would take partial credit for non-linear and Einstein Hologram Theory even though both are built on String Hologram and Einsteinian concepts) for hologram theory would (with their philosopher's cabal) would have us believe that Zeno's paradoxes are easily solved with traditional physics.
Ah ha! I say.  We must remember that Zeno's paradoxes are the recollections of Socrates (or someone else).  Imagine what you would get if you tried to get a non-physicist to describe non linear time theory.  You would get...well, non-linear time theory.  In the examination of Zeno to come we must look at him not just as a philosopher, but also as an untrained physicist and we must look at Socrates as a philosopher attempt to recollect and record early hologram theory; at least that is what I'm going to try to do.
I am using the Old Testament, fyi, because it is accepted a foundational material for Judaism, Christianity and Muslim teachings, not because it is any more accurate than pantheism, Zoroastrianism, atheism or any of the other isms with which we look at the universe. But why should I finish this?  Why should I bother trying to force the rambling of some primitive philosopher, corrupted by time and translation into a theory of physics?
I have a book which means a lot to me even though I've read very little of it.  "Why am I here?" (or something like that).  It's really more of a pamphlet than a book, and I remember very little of what is in it.  It is religious in nature.  What is so important about it, to me, is the question it asks.  Cut away from all the nonsense in your life and it all comes down to one question.  You are not here to succeed or fail.  You will in your life do both.  If you live right, in my opinion, you will do both in abundance.
It is, however, a question for another entry, another Sunday.

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