
Monday, February 3, 2014

Can other countries weaponize their economies-part 2

The chinese have shown that the greatest weapon of a country is a country's economy and that if you can also manipulate the economies of other countries thereby, you increase the value of that weapon exponentially, weakening them and increasing the weaponized economy at the same time.
In reading the declaration of independence, this imporant document says that we have the right to change our government if it is so corrupted that it cannot wield these weapons and worse still allowing our enemies to wield our economy for their own purposes.
We were the arsenal of democracy before; the Chinese used our corrupted government to transfer that arsenal overseas and in particular to China.
You and I have the right to demand reform of our government and a war footing type weaponizing of our economy.  Moreover, we have the right to punish our government for it's incompetence in the past and the incompetence is is showing in the present.  "When in the course of human events" our declaration begins, a tyranny takes away our liberty we are empowered, even obligated to take up arms if necessary to defend our rights.  How much worse is it when through incompetence and greed and sloth a government fails to do its duty and even encourages the destruction of the very economy that makes us strong.
I would gladly weaponize the public against the government were that necessary, but there is yet the opportunity to weaponize what is left of our manufacturing and defend that and recapture more, but only if we first eradicate the sources of corruption which led to the idiotic government we have.  The two party system is not the problem, the problem is politicians so entrenched in the system that they battle one another to keep power rather than deal with the real issues facing the country, when they pander to constituents blocks rather than govern for the sake of what is right and good and critical to our survival.
We have so much history on which to base our future, but we ignore it and fight over things that your starving children will be incredulous over; wondering how you could be so short sighted, so corrupt, so irrevocably focused on the irrelevant while your economy was destroyed.
The answer lies in the states, the republic seizing the power through a state constitutional convention; but if that does not happen, then surely one day, when it is far too late, we will see the people rise up to protect themselves, or die effective slaves of the government.

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