
Saturday, September 10, 2022


 The great thing about "defending the model" is that it is a learning exercise.  The first part is a close in examination of fpix and the Fibonacci series which questions the very existence of one or the other, although fpix is a no brainer.  I wish I could get more info on the accuracy of this originating with me.  That just seems impossible.

I've asked a couple of people about that, no response.  Very irritating.  Of course with google I could find it myself in probably 5 minutes.

The pool is better, but still greenish, partially my fault, although I am not 100% sure what I'm supposed to do here other than drain and sand and patch and paint it.

I am not getting support from anyone, not even you, but then who should support me?  But getting back to the point, is it possible that fpix originates with me and how can that be possible.  Then the next question is does the Fibonacci series come into this or is it a red herring and if it does when and if it doesn't how do we deal with pesky math problems that come up in its place.

A homework assignment is to recheck fundamental forces and their strengths and origins against the two versions of the model.  My initial calculations confuse the numbers somewhat, one works while the other does in some other places and while the two are not mutually exclusive it would be better for my arguments if one fit perfectly.  I have run into some theoretical problems and solutions here, the solutions primarily coming in the form of fpix dominating at least in places over Fibonacci.  And if Fibonacci drops then where does that leave things?

Getting back to the original point, the response is the opportunity to look at these things closely.  It is a multi-screen undertaking because so many different aspects need to be reconciled.

A year ago I was on this roof helping to fix the air conditioner.  It could have been fun.  It could have been tragic but I wish it had been something and I wish we were there today.

It is hard to believe that I have not yet gotten to the memories where I had to initially start posting support for Ukraine.
I am heartened by what I see but also very worried because of all the potential problems that await the world due to this idiotic war brought on by one of the most selfish and wealthy people in the world who for whatever successes he has is also one of the most dangerous and idiotic himself.  I keep hoping that democracy and logic will break out, but no signs of it yet.

Need to get off of that.  I am tired even though it is early and I have more that I want to do today.  I wonder if I should fill the hot tub up or wait longer.  There are some cold evenings coming up.

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