
Sunday, September 25, 2022


 Now it is time to look more closely at october.

Those deadlines are upon me.  Half finished documents, help that is intangible, maybe invisible.

if impossible, why all these other ineffectual patents, this is a question of doing anything by targeting what was invisible before.

I work fast and then i wait.

The storm named ion continutes on its path.  a very few of the links point to no now and wednesday at 8am it appears at least possible that someone close to me or myself will be gathering candles and matches.  I have to go back to the hardware store, a generator and gas would make some sense, although replacing the whole house generator would make more sense, time doesnt allow for that, nor do the odds this season require it although those could easily change.

Did construction and heavy yard work, hauling and working with a chainsaw. Got some intensity minutes even. Took care several big projects.   Pushed myself pretty hard, planned on swimming but took a shower and may take the rest of the day off and do back exercises just in case. 

Picture of the day (from 12 months ago); the "flooded" bridge.

Wednesday should be interesting to wait for.
This is the "goofy" track apparently, but it is one that is professionally posted, so who really knows.
My cough was much better today, probably a significant improvement although the day isn't over yet.
It was a long and difficult day, I am quite tired and I'm going to vacuum the pool.
It's going to be a quiet night.  The pool is vacuumed, although it is a little too cloudy to tell how well it will look, i made a stab at balancing the ph, will take a while to be sure, the chlorine is about right and I added fresh tablets, the others being largely exhausted, like me.  It does look a lot better for the moment, but how clear it will be in the morning remains to be determined and I am just putting off the inevitable until it cools off.  I wonder about the coming storm, if I knew we'd get a lot of rain, I'd probably drain the pool and deal with the sides; but it is a busy enough week without that and I have miles to go.

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