
Friday, September 30, 2022


 I have to look for a number this morning.  It is a strange thing to have to do and to be able to do.  Also this morning Ian the hurricane will make its second landfall, this time in nc.  this is as bad as hurricanes, a Katrina level event when we do not need more chaos right now.  But i have my number to find, so there is that.

I have a call to make also, but it is not so important although it should be.  I managed to finish all those things which absolutely had to be done yesterday but a dozen more rose in its place.  And yet as I sit here typing, drinking my coffee and waiting for the sun to come up, all the need tos take a back seat to reaching out to you.

The fine structure constant: 72973525....  It may not be exactly that because of failings of preaut science; but likely is like pi something that can be found and if not found right away, soon enough to include in this post, then perhaps i can find something close enough to explain it; something that i have already that approaches it like a feature of the denominator of pi where i would expect it to poke its head up.

And maybe it does, I'm not too sure.  Pi for 1 (as opposed to a numerator of 4) is between 0.785876174 and 0.784921065.  Technically, the FSC is .072973525; but maybe we can ignore the .0 part of this since that is primarily a scale element and the Pi for 1 number is 93% of the FSC number; a significant deviation, but one which likely reflects the additional curvature in the universe perhaps.

I got in the hot tub yesterday, the first time this year as i was cold. I did pretty minimal exercise yesterday although  it was still hard.  I did manage while putting the final touches on my evening and folding clothes manage to get my steps in; whether assisted by the elliptical workout or not i do not know.  I should have done weights, but things are so very busy right now.  The pool is more or less officially closed for the season, time to order the pump, drain, sand, patch, seal and repaint it.

When i talk about people catching up by accident, i see them doing so.

This was a scary walk back in the day, but it was really not very far and the trail is clear.  It's been a year since I was at this place at this time.
I did some heavy yard work, post hole digging, chain saw work and it reminds me that the hernia surgery, now scheduled, has to be done.  I know it will take a long time before I'll be able to do this heavy work afterwards, so I'm doing what i can now.  My back held up fine, although I did some stretches afterwards and my days as a longshoreman are far behind me.
I want to talk very badly, i cannot fight, so much is going on.
I'm going to post this and go walk the dog because I have gotten everything I am going to get off my desk today and I don't want to leave this open.

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