
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Anti matter as anti time-Part 1

Dimension and Anti dimension
This discussion has more to do with Linear time than any other if there is such a thing as anti-matter.
Now, many of you are thinking, "of course anti-matter exists, because it is observed."
Without disputing any specific conclusions, Zeno has taught us that we should not depend too heavily on what we perceive and String Hologram theory (and E-H Theory) carry the whole lesson forward (2500 years).
For purposes of this discussion, we are going to have to come up with some reason for the existence of something that is the same as matter but which when combined "destroys it"
Now here is where we take some of the prior posts and come up with something truly amazing.
Instead of matter and anti-matter "destroying" one another, what if they complete one another?
Where are we headed with this?
Instead of a time and anti-time, what if we are looking matter being ct(1) and anti matter being ct(2). and the combination allowing for the same result we see with space.  That is, invisibility by existing an instant off by having both ct1 and ct2 together.
This is just a theory of space, based on a possibility suggested by the existence of multiple dim
envisions and the invisibility of space as a building block for energy also merely a suggestion of relativity.
But this entry is on anti-matter as anti-time and requires a much deeper analysis and so this is in parts.

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