
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Traditional physicists as potrayed in The Big Bang Theory and a better transporter using Non linear time theory

The idea of the physicist unwilling to look beyond his narrow interpretation of physics or that within a limited physics community was part of an episode of this well crafted, but primitively dependent program (i.e. the lead character ought to adopt cutting edge non-linear time theory instead of string theory).  However, the unwillingness of the physics community to accept NLT (yet) is merely a set back of traditional physics and not a real problem.  After all, the Greek philosophers who understood the universal background that gave rise to hologram theory and subsequently evolved into NLT only had to wait 2500 years for traditional physicists to adopt their understanding of the universe.
The episode in question referred to the STAR TREK "transporter and their definition pointed out what NLT is so much more important than the other theories.  In the ST transporter, you disassemble a person/thing and then reassemble them elsewhere.  This is not necessary in NLT and this is critical not only to transportation, but also to the survival of mankind.  Now we already know that the idea of changing time coordinates allows us to move about the universe without reference to speed (how else could two black holes on either side of the universe go back to the "same place" (the same place is no-place at all since it has no dimension).
Using this process, a NLT transporter would not have to "beam" someone anywhere, it would merely change their coordinates to the desired place in outer space.  Now we'll kill ourselves with this technology by delivering bombs instantly against one another because we're basically idiot psychopathic monkeys:
There's the great quote I read about the intelligence of Whales.
It went something like this: 
A few years ago, Captain Watson had the following conversation with Georg Blitchfield, the leader of the High North Alliance, a pro-whaling lobbying group.
Blitchfield: "But Watson, you say that whales are more intelligent than people. How can you say such a stupid thing? This is stupid, this is crazy this is....."
Captain Watson: "Georg, I happen to measure intelligence by the ability to live in harmony with the natural world. By this criteria, whales are far more intelligent than we are."
Blitchfield: "That is a stupid criteria. By that stupid criteria, you could say cockroaches are smarter than people."
Captain Watson: "Georg, you are beginning to understand what I'm talking about."

But if we weren't idiot psychopathic monkeys, not only would we have the ability to access resources from any place in the universe, but we could control our environment.  Too much Magma?  Send half of it to the moon and replace it with cold moon rocks.  A meteor nearby? Move  it past the earth, somewhere else or change the direction by changing the coordinates.
Can this be done?  Well, it is done by black holes every "day" so the answer is that it can be done, but it involves understanding much better time as the origin of dimension as well as energy and matter.
And it requires a more open approach to physics than that adopted by fictional characters who are trapped in their own narrow community and world leaders who can think beyond their own self interest; an unlikely combination.

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