
Thursday, January 30, 2014


I'm a naturally happy person.  Some days, like today, the frustration of trying so hard and being thwarted at every turn is almost unbearable.  No, that's not right.  It is unbearable.  Only insanity would allow someone to put up with all these idiotic problems.
Now I'm not one to deny that many of are my own making.  Ok, maybe they are all a result of my design, but no one could try any harder than I've tried to make things right and I can't help it if my efforts end up misguided.
And who can any of us turn to?  Who is really there who can make this frustration go away.  It's times like this that I can understand why people go mad, not that there is ever I time when I cannot understand it.
I picked up my pen this morning, all I wanted to do was spend a little time describing the process by which the universe allows the change of time coordinates to move things across space and instead, I end up, at the end of the day, posting a completely incomplete entry on the subject, barely hitting the fine points, because I can't get 5 minutes to myself without something technological going wrong, something personal which will not leave me alone for a minute.
I tried swimming, could barely concentrate on it, although afterwards I did have my only five minutes of peace this whole day.
I am going to find something to read and try to relax.
I am going to ignore those things I should be talking to,
Try to ignore those people I should be doing.
Try to get some perspective, try to find some peace, try not to go insane,

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