
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Time Two, conversion of space to energy and one more way to prove Non-linear time theory

We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast of "The Whale Lawyer" for this breaking news story on Linear Time Theory:

As any of you who have following the development of Non-Linear Time theory from Einstein Hologram Theory which in turn derives from Einstein's dicta and String Hologram theory know the proofs of Non-linear time theory are many and varied.
Recent disclosures inherent in the theory include the possibility that a conversion in the same energy category as the conversion of energy to matter is likely for the conversion of space into energy.  This blog entry will explore this conceptually a little further.  In doing so it will also explore the corollary that there may be multiple times to correspond to the multiple non-clock time dimensions.
It is possible, even probable that Time two (compared to clock time one) is detectable and still in existence and why this is likely will be discussed.  If Time 2 is detectable, well let's just say that you can send the conceptual bu-yahs c/o of general delivery.  So, let's get right to this so you can stop scratching your heads, hopefully you are just scratching your heads.
Prior blog entries cover the conversion of space to energy at concentrations of c^2.  One issue this involves is what happens to the huge energies associated with the conversion.  We have previously discussed how the reverse conversion seems to release high energies in black holes although not at the energy levels we might expect (at least not yet) but that it appears very likely that at the energies which exist at this conversion (in reverse-energy to space) we have a complete loss of dimension (in black holes) and the non-linearity of time which is a type of energy which exceeds anything we experience and likely will mathematically support the model if I ever get around what those energies are (the energy of a black hole collapse).
But this is not what the blog is about.  It is about the loss of time two when space converts to energy.  First, why do we not see this occur regularly?  It is likely that the energy required to convert space to energy (and possibly eliminate time two) is so high that it can only occur at concentrations approaching those of the big bang itself!  Why, you reasonably ask?  Because you need c^2 concentrations of space to give rise to a single photon of energy, assuming the analogy makes sense.
Now a few of you out there are say, I don't buy it because we don't "see" space.  If you can accept the conversion of energy to matter (and back again, of course) but can't accept the same result in space because you "can't see it", you are mistaken, because space is "seen".  It's just not seen clearly.  And why not?  Imagine this, you are trying to look into the window of a speeding train.  You don't get much of a look, it's sort of blurry because it's moving (this is relativity).  Now let's talk about super-secret double relativity...Time two still exists in space.  We don't experience it because it becomes non-linear in the conversion of space to energy (and doesn't become linear when space converts to time) [we'll discuss the opposite that it becomes non-linear when the conversion occurs later].
What this means is that space is "moving" in clock time two and therefore is moving at a speed "relatively" very fast to an observation from non-space energy/matter.   Now it could also be that clock time two comes into existence and we are "moving" so fast relative to space that we can't see it.  Doesn't matter who's doing the looking in relativity.  What's important (before we solve this problem intuitively) is that one way or the other time two should be observable unless space exists without time one and time one is what I refer to as time two.  The only problem with this time one analysis is that we know we can eliminate time 1 by acceleration to the speed of light (clock time goes to zero for light) which would indicate that space would begin to be visible at near light speeds and there's no indication that is the case.
The elimination (or in reverse-creating time two converting energy to space) of an entire time might represent an energy release on the order of what we would expect even if we fail to experience it.
However, the bottom line is that is should be possible to convert space to energy and energy to space and if this is the case it means that the existence of time two should be detectible if we know what to look for.  More importantly, it should be the case that the results of this would be visible and that it may even continue to occur in our universe.

Where do we see this?  Possibly in the driving force of expansion of the universe (the creation of space from either energy or time) and the big bang-the original conversion of space to energy.  More on this later.

And now back to your originally scheduled program.

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