
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reforming Congress-Because the one we have gave everything we had to offer to China

U.S. Sends B-52s on Mission to Challenge Chinese Claims

The next phase of "China's Weaponized Economy" is going to be the program to bring Congress under control through a State Constitutional Amendment; something which has never been done.
I was at a luncheon where the discussion turned to government.  Local and state reforms were mentioned before it went on to the Federal government, "too far gone for us to do anything."

Well, the idea is to save the world by saving the United States and China.  Saving China is tricky, saving the United States may be impossible, but its a task for the ones I love, particularly the cranky one, yes you know who you are, irregardless of how justified you think you are and may be.  Anyway, saving you despite yourself is a task that I have to thread with defining the fundamental nature of the universe which is one more step in saving the world or at least proving it doesn't matter without you.

This use of weapons to attempt to control policy is a mirror of our industrial weakness, and it looks more pitiful as the balance of manufacturing power continues to shift radically in favor of China.  As they move to the moon, mars and beyond while the US collapses in self induced economic oblivion, the idea that the USA can match the technological, manufacturing and consequent military dominance becomes more absurd.

Because our government is incapable of acting for any purpose other than self perpetuation, we are not looking at these problems, we are not looking at the potentially larger problems of how we are going to interface and live with technology which is increasingly the product of our competitors for the limited resources that represent the future of mankind.  More importantly technology have overtaken our ability to work with it, we are threatened with becoming slaves to the technology that we've developed.  If we don't figure out a way to live with it and use it to make our lives better, we will continue to have it reduce opportunities to the population and as our access to opportunities to manufacture and develop technology decreases because of over centralization and the export of technology through the export of technology our lives will become increasingly meaningless.  A strong policy making government which is focused on something more than getting re-elected; maintaining its own power, is critical and we have failed to maintain that type of government and we need to redesign it (see the concepts outlined earlier here and in China's weaponized economy). 

The plan is to utilize Crowd Funding technology to drive the effort forward. I could use a little help, but then you'd have to believe and be willing to act and to some extent sacrifice a part of yourself to pursue your beliefs, which is another way; whether this is your belief or not; of living.   Well, it's not really living, but if you aren't really living, it's something to do until you can and living is still part of the plan.

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