
Thursday, January 16, 2014

The many dimensions of quantum gravity in non-linear time theory

Non linear time theory predicts quantum gravity as the tendency of time to become non-linear.   In this way it is a force contrary to the expansion of time.
In the prior entry we discussed that multiple dimensions and quantum states of matter and energy suggest that there may well be multiple clock times (nothing that dimension is nothing more than a projection of time, perhaps even an illusion of time (see Einstein and String Hologram Theories as well as Zeno's Paradox(s)-thank you very much).
If quantum gravity is then the tendency of time to become non-linear (shown by the effect of large concentrations in forming super dense matter and black holes) it also becomes likely that gravity may have multiple manifestations.
We already know that time going from non-linear to linear is a sort of "anti-gravity" device in terms of linearity (one of those many subjects which but waits for the time to exploit it); but it is also suggested by the perceived universe that some aspects of time may not be perceived, especially if they are separate clock times.  We have discussed how there may be two and perhaps even three separate clock times and it is possible that there is a gravitational tendency associated with each which is separate in quantum terms and manifests itself only in those.
We have also discussed that in our universe, we appear to have conservation of coordinate changes in time.  Wait for it.
This was explained in terms of clock time slowing as dimensional change rates increase.  This means that it is likely that we have conservation of clock time in the case of multiple times.
Wait for it.
This in turn means that we likely have conservation of gravity along these separate clock times.
Wait for it...
Which in turn means that we could potentially turn off gravity in our clock time by increasing it in another clock time.
There is is.  Of course, there is only the slightest suggestion of multiple clock times and even less suggestion of multiple gravity(s); but it is an interesting concept, especially given the possibility of separate clock times creating the impression of multiple dimensions and even a "type of" parallel universe (even though it's not really parallel.
But that discussion will have to wait for a later discussion.

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