
Saturday, January 25, 2014

China's weaponized economy-how peacetime economic war will translate to the projection of actual military force

Eventually the pressure to use superior weapons wins out.  The world no matter how broad, is not big enough without the neighbor's resources.

While the use of atomic weapons is too dangerous for most of us to consider today, in World War II the temptation was too great.

This is true about traditional military power.  The desire to use it seems to be a function of power.  Even were China unwilling to exercise their power (Sun Tzu's primary instruction is (half of it) appear weak when you're strong) it would manifest itself as if it had a life of its own.

China has reached the point in the weaponized economy, their primary weapon-idiot politicians in the west don't see this, is strong that it doesn't even matter if they begin to use the consequent military power; but they would not want the west to realize this.  So why are they being increasingly militant?  It's because they don't think it possible that the USA government can react.  They are so certain that the US is incapable of acting intelligent politically and so incapable of looking at any future past a very near term, they feel they can do this.

And why do they appear correct?  Clearly congress cannot even do a budget for more than a few months at a time, they cannot appoint judges to their courts, they cannot get past purely ethical concepts and focus on governing.

There are solutions to this, the application of intelligence terms to legislation and term limits and these are discussed in detail and as time goes forward, will be discussed in more detail here.  The need for this and the futility of it are increasing exponentially.  Stability in a world as fragile as ours is critical.  There are two ways to reach stability.  One is to surrender to the Chinese, a world with is Chinese is the result.  The other is to balance power between countries intelligent enough to live together.  The latter isn't possible today.  The USA is the country devoid of political intelligence.  The pieces are there, an almost Roman republican constitution.  But like the Roman republic, ours is no longer a republic.  A process that began in the 1800s has emasculated the power of the states and until that is re-established and the Federal government forced to act intelligently with reforms and concepts we will continue to see a country that can be attacked without even consciousness of the war, almost unimaginable, and yet we see it every day, hence the links included in each of these posts.

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