
Sunday, January 26, 2014

non linear time expansion part 1

Somehow you have to explain what happens to create space between areas of space affected by expansion of the universe.   This isn't a problem in gravity wells, that is places where there is no universal expansion because of the presence of matter and energy.
Under NLT, then, something different "appears" to be happening the the absence of matter.  Whether this appearance is the result of the creation of time or is false is the subject of this inquiry.
First, we'll talk in generalities and in later parts we will get more specific.

Non-linear time theory seeks to trumps the other theories of fundamental physics.  This isn't because it is different, deriving as it does from hologram theory and one of Einstein's insights.  And of course, it was trumped in advance 2500 years ago by Zeno who laid the groundwork for both non-linear time and hologram theory even though he was largely lost to the future and we'll discuss critically his one world government in a later blog time permitting.

Still, physicists have a habit of clinging to their theories until, totally dead, they are suddenly resurrected and made new again by the very increases in science which sought to kill them.  For now, however, they are slowly being folded into non-linear time theory like the human detritus of a mathematical shipwreck in an ocean of whatever analogy makes the most sense.

Sadly, this hesitance hesitance to change, however historically supported, delays breakthroughs in practical application of physics unnecessarily, but we'll discuss the irrationality of man in other blogs on how governments and lovers should function.

Anyway, today we'll start the discussion of the rate of change at each level of the universe development (starting just before the big bang when time was linear, but the universe was, at least mostly, non-linear).
Solving for time is the key elements and involves:
1) taking matter and defining it in terms of coordinate change and gravity
2) Taking gravity and solving it in terms of time
3) Taking space and determining why, if it is only a manifestation of time why it either (1) appears to be expanding or (2) is expanding at an ever increasing rate.

Note that NLT eliminates the need for either dark matter or dark energy while providing potential explanations for each.  A summary would take to long, but by way of example, if gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear (which clearly appears the case) then if space is non-linear time, there is plenty of that to account for background gravity.  Further, if there is expansion, that involves additional time going non-linear which would power expansion.  This, if the given explanation of "dark matter" was correct would mean either (1) there is a constant increase in the amount of gravity corresponding to the amount of space being created, (2) the creation of space doesn't add gravity (that is you have to lose something else for gravity to be created such as clock time 2 (ct2) or (3) you have expansion of space at the destruction of something else-the most likely explanation, the destruction being the destruction (going non-linear) of matter and energy in black holes, for example.

In item 3, you end up with endless possibilities (recycling) but you have this fundamental question:  If this is what is happening, why does the expansion happen only outside of gravity wells where the destruction occurs?  Geographically (space matrix geography) isn't a problem since NLT says that where something is located is only a matter of its coordinates and black holes have dropped completely out of coordinate space.  Likewise, quantity is not an issue since the transition of energy (not to mention matter) to space creates space on the magnitude of c^2 at the very least in all probability (lots of space created for a small amount of energy).  But what is it absent in "concentrated gravity wells" (planets, solar systems, galaxies and galaxy families) but not absent in the "greater unconcentrated gravity well" of the universe itself?  Why, the question becomes, does space only expand in the emptiest parts of space?

The answer may lie in the fact that we don't have a "coordinate" vacuum (i.e. nothing) in the center of the universe where we'd expect one to form if space has coordinate changes (which it certainly must or we'd really have a mess, everything coalescing together as it spun free from space) or between galaxy clusters where expansion appears to occur.  This appearance should be predicted in the creation of space (from energy or otherwise)since otherwise we'd have a very dense, non-linear universe, the same type we had immediately before there were coordinate changes in dimension, i.e. the big "she-bang"

As the volume of the universe changes, the amount of change of the space coordinates and the rate of creation of quantum space (if such in fact occurs) can be calculated with a surprising amount of accuracy for an estimation.  We merely take the age of the universe (13.5 billion years) and divide it into the size of the universe.

But how this occurs is a more involved inquiry.   The first "expansion" involved non-linear time going linear creating first space (all of space in a concentrated plank length) and then energy being created (based on the destruction of space at the rate of c^2) along with rapid coordinate change giving the impression (continuing today outside of gravity wells) of faster than light travel by faster than light coordinate changes (which proves instantaneous movement is possible, however much you may question it, IF you accept NLT and this conceptual framework) which in turn involved concentrations of energy due to falling back into non-linearity in part-gravity, into matter (again at the rate of c^2).  The second "expansion" seems to be based on the process going in reverse, but only in isolated pockets which then go non-linear again; which, as discussed previously, appears to happen in black holes where energy is put out in quantities approximately (but not completely) equal to the amount of matter and energy going in; the difference being what we'd expect to find in the expansion of space.

While you are probably wondering why you read this far, we must have the creation of space in NLT today if it occurred earlier and we should have conservation of space, time and energy according to our theories of the quantum nature of things, although we have at least touched on the possibility of a pulsating singularity creating the universe and pumping additional space out at a constant rate which, of course, would take us back to an increasingly heavy universe or a universe without non-linear space.  Why should we have it today?  First, there is no reason for it not to happen, Second, we need it to explain the expanding universe (you need a larger grid if you're taking concentrated coordinates and turning them into spread out coordinates based on the speed of light).

But more on this later.

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