
Saturday, January 18, 2014

in a non linear time universe shouldn't all black holes weigh the same thing

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered in a non-linear time universe (or a broadcast universe-like the hologram theory universes).
One is why black holes don't weight the same thing and why do they appear as coordinates in space.
Before we talk about Non-linear time, let's compare the two broadcast models (string hologram and einstein hologram)
Because String Hologram Universes are published from a two dimensional film, you can vary things as much as they are varied on the film.  To the extent that E-H-theory envisions that everything happens at once until time goes linear, you have the same type of variation possible.
However, both E-H-T and Non-linear time theory predict that black holes represent gravity (the tendency of time to go non-linear) being so great that time goes non linear.  So why don't all black holes weigh the same thing (nothing).  This is actually answered in the earliest blogs and even in the first edition.
EHT and and NLT are both all about infinite series.
Time going to zero and high concentrations of gravity are both about this equation (simplified):
T=x/(1-dt) as dt goes to 1 (and therefore the answer goes to infinity).
The answer to the weight of black holes is therefore answered by the fact that what we see is a snapshot of an infinite series universe.
At any black hole (or any gravity well including a planet or a small rock)time is driven towards zero.  We expect this result because the dt for things moving fast (turning into energy) goes to zero, so as things move towards dt=0 (no change in coordinates) time goes towards infinity, remembering that everything in the universe is necessarily in constant movement.
In a black hole, then, the majority of matter is falling into the universe or (see prior entries) being converted to a high enough energy state to escape.  In fact, it is possible that none of the "time" in a black hole has actually gone to zero (as opposed to going to zero).
One example would be that clock time 1 goes to zero, but not clock time 2.  Another would be that time goes to planck length but does not drop out of the universe completely.
Yet another is that black holes do in fact drop out of the universe and disappear!  This means if we were looking at a black hole at just the right moment, we would see its gravitational effects vanish before our eyes.  Since all galaxies have a black hole at the center, it would seem like we might see this, but when we think in terms of what circumstances would take a planck length black hole and make it non-linear, that is making it cease to have dimension and linear time and visibility it becomes a more complex question.
However, all black holes should change the same way
there should be some common denominator that shows the change.  The adoption of some qualities other than gravity that define the universe.  The conversion of time in either direction, a change in the way that speed happens, something that speaks to the fact that the universe allows for time to become non-linear at high gravity concentrations.
More on this later.

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